glrt_control_type structure#

#include <galahad_glrt.h>

struct glrt_control_type {
    // fields

    bool f_indexing;
    ipc_ error;
    ipc_ out;
    ipc_ print_level;
    ipc_ itmax;
    ipc_ stopping_rule;
    ipc_ freq;
    ipc_ extra_vectors;
    ipc_ ritz_printout_device;
    rpc_ stop_relative;
    rpc_ stop_absolute;
    rpc_ fraction_opt;
    rpc_ rminvr_zero;
    rpc_ f_0;
    bool unitm;
    bool impose_descent;
    bool space_critical;
    bool deallocate_error_fatal;
    bool print_ritz_values;
    char ritz_file_name[31];
    char prefix[31];

detailed documentation#

control derived type as a C struct


bool f_indexing

use C or Fortran sparse matrix indexing

ipc_ error

error and warning diagnostics occur on stream error

ipc_ out

general output occurs on stream out

ipc_ print_level

the level of output required is specified by print_level

ipc_ itmax

the maximum number of iterations allowed (-ve = no bound)

ipc_ stopping_rule

the stopping rule used (see below). Possible values are:

  • 1 stopping rule = norm of the step.

  • 2 stopping rule is norm of the step / \(\sigma\).

  • other. stopping rule = 1.0.

ipc_ freq

frequency for solving the reduced tri-diagonal problem

ipc_ extra_vectors

the number of extra work vectors of length n used

ipc_ ritz_printout_device

the unit number for writing debug Ritz values

rpc_ stop_relative

the iteration stops successfully when the gradient in the \(M^{-1}\) norm is smaller than max( stop_relative \* min( 1, stopping_rule ) \* norm initial gradient, stop_absolute )

rpc_ stop_absolute

see stop_relative

rpc_ fraction_opt

an estimate of the solution that gives at least .fraction_opt times the optimal objective value will be found

rpc_ rminvr_zero

the smallest value that the square of the M norm of the gradient of the objective may be before it is considered to be zero

rpc_ f_0

the constant term, f0, in the objective function

bool unitm

is M the identity matrix ?

bool impose_descent

is descent required i.e., should \(c^T x < 0\)?

bool space_critical

if .space_critical true, every effort will be made to use as little space as possible. This may result in longer computation time

bool deallocate_error_fatal

if .deallocate_error_fatal is true, any array/pointer deallocation error will terminate execution. Otherwise, computation will continue

bool print_ritz_values

should the Ritz values be written to the debug stream?

char ritz_file_name[31]

name of debug file containing the Ritz values

char prefix[31]

all output lines will be prefixed by .prefix(2:LEN(TRIM(.prefix))-1) where .prefix contains the required string enclosed in quotes, e.g. “string” or ‘string’