bqpb_control_type structure#
#include <galahad_bqpb.h> struct bqpb_control_type { // components bool f_indexing; ipc_ error; ipc_ out; ipc_ print_level; ipc_ start_print; ipc_ stop_print; ipc_ maxit; ipc_ infeas_max; ipc_ muzero_fixed; ipc_ restore_problem; ipc_ indicator_type; ipc_ arc; ipc_ series_order; ipc_ sif_file_device; ipc_ qplib_file_device; rpc_ infinity; rpc_ stop_abs_p; rpc_ stop_rel_p; rpc_ stop_abs_d; rpc_ stop_rel_d; rpc_ stop_abs_c; rpc_ stop_rel_c; rpc_ perturb_h; rpc_ prfeas; rpc_ dufeas; rpc_ muzero; rpc_ tau; rpc_ gamma_c; rpc_ gamma_f; rpc_ reduce_infeas; rpc_ obj_unbounded; rpc_ potential_unbounded; rpc_ identical_bounds_tol; rpc_ mu_pounce; rpc_ indicator_tol_p; rpc_ indicator_tol_pd; rpc_ indicator_tol_tapia; rpc_ cpu_time_limit; rpc_ clock_time_limit; bool remove_dependencies; bool treat_zero_bounds_as_general; bool treat_separable_as_general; bool just_feasible; bool getdua; bool puiseux; bool every_order; bool feasol; bool balance_initial_complentarity; bool crossover; bool space_critical; bool deallocate_error_fatal; bool generate_sif_file; bool generate_qplib_file; char sif_file_name[31]; char qplib_file_name[31]; char prefix[31]; struct fdc_control_type fdc_control; struct sbls_control_type sbls_control; struct fit_control_type fit_control; struct roots_control_type roots_control; struct cro_control_type cro_control; };
detailed documentation#
control derived type as a C struct
bool f_indexing
use C or Fortran sparse matrix indexing
ipc_ error
error and warning diagnostics occur on stream error
ipc_ out
general output occurs on stream out
ipc_ print_level
the level of output required is specified by print_level
0 gives no output,= 1 gives a one-line summary for every iteration,
= 2 gives a summary of the inner iteration for each iteration,
3 gives increasingly verbose (debugging) output
ipc_ start_print
any printing will start on this iteration
ipc_ stop_print
any printing will stop on this iteration
ipc_ maxit
at most maxit inner iterations are allowed
ipc_ infeas_max
the number of iterations for which the overall infeasibility of the problem is not reduced by at least a factor .reduce_infeas before the problem is flagged as infeasible (see reduce_infeas)
ipc_ muzero_fixed
the initial value of the barrier parameter will not be changed for the first muzero_fixed iterations
ipc_ restore_problem
indicate whether and how much of the input problem should be restored on output. Possible values are
0 nothing restored
1 scalar and vector parameters
2 all parameters
ipc_ indicator_type
specifies the type of indicator function used. Pssible values are
1 primal indicator: a constraint is active if and only if the distance to its nearest bound
.indicator_p_tol2 primal-dual indicator: a constraint is active if and only if the distance to its nearest bound
.indicator_tol_pd \* size of corresponding multiplier3 primal-dual indicator: a constraint is active if and only if the distance to its nearest bound
.indicator_tol_tapia \* distance to same bound at previous iteration
ipc_ arc
which residual trajectory should be used to aim from the current iterate to the solution. Possible values are
1 the Zhang linear residual trajectory
2 the Zhao-Sun quadratic residual trajectory
3 the Zhang arc ultimately switching to the Zhao-Sun residual trajectory
4 the mixed linear-quadratic residual trajectory
5 the Zhang arc ultimately switching to the mixed linear-quadratic residual trajectory
ipc_ series_order
the order of (Taylor/Puiseux) series to fit to the path data
ipc_ sif_file_device
specifies the unit number to write generated SIF file describing the current problem
ipc_ qplib_file_device
specifies the unit number to write generated QPLIB file describing the current problem
rpc_ infinity
any bound larger than infinity in modulus will be regarded as infinite
rpc_ stop_abs_p
the required absolute and relative accuracies for the primal infeasibility
rpc_ stop_rel_p
see stop_abs_p
rpc_ stop_abs_d
the required absolute and relative accuracies for the dual infeasibility
rpc_ stop_rel_d
see stop_abs_d
rpc_ stop_abs_c
the required absolute and relative accuracies for the complementarity
rpc_ stop_rel_c
see stop_abs_c
rpc_ perturb_h
.perturb_h will be added to the Hessian
rpc_ prfeas
initial primal variables will not be closer than .prfeas from their bounds
rpc_ dufeas
initial dual variables will not be closer than .dufeas from their bounds
rpc_ muzero
the initial value of the barrier parameter. If muzero is not positive, it will be reset to an appropriate value
rpc_ tau
the weight attached to primal-dual infeasibility compared to complementa when assessing step acceptance
rpc_ gamma_c
individual complementarities will not be allowed to be smaller than gamma_c times the average value
rpc_ gamma_f
the average complementarity will not be allowed to be smaller than gamma_f times the primal/dual infeasibility
rpc_ reduce_infeas
if the overall infeasibility of the problem is not reduced by at least a factor .reduce_infeas over .infeas_max iterations, the problem is flagged as infeasible (see infeas_max)
rpc_ obj_unbounded
if the objective function value is smaller than obj_unbounded, it will be flagged as unbounded from below.
rpc_ potential_unbounded
if W=0 and the potential function value is smaller than .potential_unbounded
rpc_ identical_bounds_tol
any pair of constraint bounds
rpc_ mu_pounce
start terminal extrapolation when mu reaches mu_pounce
rpc_ indicator_tol_p
if .indicator_type = 1, a constraint/bound will be deemed to be active if and only if the distance to its nearest bound
rpc_ indicator_tol_pd
if .indicator_type = 2, a constraint/bound will be deemed to be active if and only if the distance to its nearest bound
rpc_ indicator_tol_tapia
if .indicator_type = 3, a constraint/bound will be deemed to be active if and only if the distance to its nearest bound
rpc_ cpu_time_limit
the maximum CPU time allowed (-ve means infinite)
rpc_ clock_time_limit
the maximum elapsed clock time allowed (-ve means infinite)
bool remove_dependencies
the equality constraints will be preprocessed to remove any linear dependencies if true
bool treat_zero_bounds_as_general
any problem bound with the value zero will be treated as if it were a general value if true
bool treat_separable_as_general
if .just_feasible is true, the algorithm will stop as soon as a feasible point is found. Otherwise, the optimal solution to the problem will be found
bool just_feasible
if .treat_separable_as_general, is true, any separability in the problem structure will be ignored
bool getdua
if .getdua, is true, advanced initial values are obtained for the dual variables
bool puiseux
decide between Puiseux and Taylor series approximations to the arc
bool every_order
try every order of series up to series_order?
bool feasol
if .feasol is true, the final solution obtained will be perturbed so that variables close to their bounds are moved onto these bounds
bool balance_initial_complentarity
if .balance_initial_complentarity is true, the initial complemetarity is required to be balanced
bool crossover
if .crossover is true, cross over the solution to one defined by linearly-independent constraints if possible
bool space_critical
if .space_critical true, every effort will be made to use as little space as possible. This may result in longer computation time
bool deallocate_error_fatal
if .deallocate_error_fatal is true, any array/pointer deallocation error will terminate execution. Otherwise, computation will continue
bool generate_sif_file
if .generate_sif_file is .true. if a SIF file describing the current problem is to be generated
bool generate_qplib_file
if .generate_qplib_file is .true. if a QPLIB file describing the current problem is to be generated
char sif_file_name[31]
name of generated SIF file containing input problem
char qplib_file_name[31]
name of generated QPLIB file containing input problem
char prefix[31]
all output lines will be prefixed by .prefix(2:LEN(TRIM(.prefix))-1) where .prefix contains the required string enclosed in quotes, e.g. “string” or ‘string’
struct fdc_control_type fdc_control
control parameters for FDC
struct sbls_control_type sbls_control
control parameters for SBLS
struct fit_control_type fit_control
control parameters for FIT
struct roots_control_type roots_control
control parameters for ROOTS
struct cro_control_type cro_control
control parameters for CRO