bqp_control_type structure#
#include <galahad_bqp.h> struct bqp_control_type { // components bool f_indexing; ipc_ error; ipc_ out; ipc_ print_level; ipc_ start_print; ipc_ stop_print; ipc_ print_gap; ipc_ maxit; ipc_ cold_start; ipc_ ratio_cg_vs_sd; ipc_ change_max; ipc_ cg_maxit; ipc_ sif_file_device; rpc_ infinity; rpc_ stop_p; rpc_ stop_d; rpc_ stop_c; rpc_ identical_bounds_tol; rpc_ stop_cg_relative; rpc_ stop_cg_absolute; rpc_ zero_curvature; rpc_ cpu_time_limit; bool exact_arcsearch; bool space_critical; bool deallocate_error_fatal; bool generate_sif_file; char sif_file_name[31]; char prefix[31]; struct sbls_control_type sbls_control; };
detailed documentation#
control derived type as a C struct
bool f_indexing
use C or Fortran sparse matrix indexing
ipc_ error
unit number for error and warning diagnostics
ipc_ out
general output unit number
ipc_ print_level
the level of output required
ipc_ start_print
on which iteration to start printing
ipc_ stop_print
on which iteration to stop printing
ipc_ print_gap
how many iterations between printing
ipc_ maxit
how many iterations to perform (-ve reverts to HUGE(1)-1)
ipc_ cold_start
cold_start should be set to 0 if a warm start is required (with variable assigned according to B_stat, see below), and to any other value if the values given in prob.X suffice
ipc_ ratio_cg_vs_sd
the ratio of how many iterations use CG rather steepest descent
ipc_ change_max
the maximum number of per-iteration changes in the working set permitted when allowing CG rather than steepest descent
ipc_ cg_maxit
how many CG iterations to perform per BQP iteration (-ve reverts to n+1)
ipc_ sif_file_device
the unit number to write generated SIF file describing the current problem
rpc_ infinity
any bound larger than infinity in modulus will be regarded as infinite
rpc_ stop_p
the required accuracy for the primal infeasibility
rpc_ stop_d
the required accuracy for the dual infeasibility
rpc_ stop_c
the required accuracy for the complementary slackness
rpc_ identical_bounds_tol
any pair of constraint bounds (x_l,x_u) that are closer than i dentical_bounds_tol will be reset to the average of their values
rpc_ stop_cg_relative
the CG iteration will be stopped as soon as the current norm of the preconditioned gradient is smaller than max( stop_cg_relative * initial preconditioned gradient, stop_cg_absolute)
rpc_ stop_cg_absolute
see stop_cg_relative
rpc_ zero_curvature
threshold below which curvature is regarded as zero
rpc_ cpu_time_limit
the maximum CPU time allowed (-ve = no limit)
bool exact_arcsearch
exact_arcsearch is true if an exact arcsearch is required, and false if approximation suffices
bool space_critical
if space_critical is true, every effort will be made to use as little space as possible. This may result in longer computation times
bool deallocate_error_fatal
if deallocate_error_fatal is true, any array/pointer deallocation error will terminate execution. Otherwise, computation will continue
bool generate_sif_file
if generate_sif_file is true, a SIF file describing the current problem will be generated
char sif_file_name[31]
name (max 30 characters) of generated SIF file containing input problem
char prefix[31]
all output lines will be prefixed by a string (max 30 characters) prefix(2:LEN(TRIM(.prefix))-1) where prefix contains the required string enclosed in quotes, e.g. “string” or ‘string’
struct sbls_control_type sbls_control
control parameters for SBLS