bqp_inform_type structure#

#include <galahad_bqp.h>

struct bqp_inform_type {
    // components

    ipc_ status;
    ipc_ alloc_status;
    ipc_ factorization_status;
    ipc_ iter;
    ipc_ cg_iter;
    rpc_ obj;
    rpc_ norm_pg;
    char bad_alloc[81];
    struct bqp_time_type time;
    struct sbls_inform_type sbls_inform;

detailed documentation#

inform derived type as a C struct


ipc_ status

reported return status:

  • 0


  • -1

    allocation error

  • -2

    deallocation error

  • -3

    matrix data faulty (.n < 1, .ne < 0)

  • -20

    alegedly +ve definite matrix is not

ipc_ alloc_status

Fortran STAT value after allocate failure.

ipc_ factorization_status

status return from factorization

ipc_ iter

number of iterations required

ipc_ cg_iter

number of CG iterations required

rpc_ obj

current value of the objective function

rpc_ norm_pg

current value of the projected gradient

char bad_alloc[81]

name of array which provoked an allocate failure

struct bqp_time_type time

times for various stages

struct sbls_inform_type sbls_inform

inform values from SBLS