GALAHAD TRB package#
The trb
package uses a trust-region method to find a (local)
minimizer of a differentiable objective function \(f(x)\) of
many variables \(x\), where the variables satisfy the simple
bounds \(x^l <= x <= x^u\). The method offers the choice of
direct and iterative solution of the key subproblems, and
is most suitable for large problems. First derivatives are required,
and if second derivatives can be calculated, they will be exploited.
See Section 4 of $GALAHAD/doc/trb.pdf for additional details.
A trust-region method is used. In this, an improvement to a current estimate of the required minimizer, \(x_k\) is sought by computing a step \(s_k\). The step is chosen to approximately minimize a model \(m_k(s)\) of \(f(x_k + s)\) within the intersection of the bound constraints \(x^l \leq x \leq x^u\) and a trust region \(\|s_k\| \leq \Delta_k\) for some specified positive “radius” \(\Delta_k\). The quality of the resulting step \(s_k\) is assessed by computing the “ratio” \((f(x_k) - f(x_k + s_k))/ (m_k(0) - m_k(s_k))\). The step is deemed to have succeeded if the ratio exceeds a given \(\eta_s > 0\), and in this case \(x_{k+1} = x_k + s_k\). Otherwise \(x_{k+1} = x_k\), and the radius is reduced by powers of a given reduction factor until it is smaller than \(\|s_k\|\). If the ratio is larger than \(\eta_v \geq \eta_d\), the radius will be increased so that it exceeds \(\|s_k\|\) by a given increase factor. The method will terminate as soon as \(\|\nabla_x f(x_k)\|\) is smaller than a specified value.
Either linear or quadratic models \(m_k(s)\) may be used. The former will be taken as the first two terms \(f(x_k) + s^T \nabla_x f(x_k)\) of a Taylor series about \(x_k\), while the latter uses an approximation to the first three terms \(f(x_k) + s^T \nabla_x f(x_k) + \frac{1}{2} s^T B_k s\), for which \(B_k\) is a symmetric approximation to the Hessian \(\nabla_{xx} f(x_k)\); possible approximations include the true Hessian, limited-memory secant and sparsity approximations and a scaled identity matrix. Normally a two-norm trust region will be used, but this may change if preconditioning is employed.
The model minimization is carried out in two stages.
Firstly, the so-called generalized Cauchy point for the quadratic
subproblem is found—the purpose of this point is to ensure that the
algorithm converges and that the set of bounds which are satisfied as
equations at the solution is rapidly identified. Thereafter an
improvement to the quadratic model on the face of variables predicted
to be active by the Cauchy point is sought using either a
direct approach involving factorization or an
iterative (conjugate-gradient/Lanczos) approach based on approximations
to the required solution from a so-called Krlov subspace. The direct
approach is based on the knowledge that the required solution
satisfies the linear system of equations \((B_k + \lambda_k I) s_k
= - \nabla_x f(x_k)\), involving a scalar Lagrange multiplier \(\lambda_k\),
on the space of inactive variables.
This multiplier is found by uni-variate root finding, using a safeguarded
Newton-like process, by TRS
or DPS
(depending on the norm chosen). The iterative approach
uses GLTR
, and is best accelerated by preconditioning
with good approximations to \(B_k\) using PSLS
. The
iterative approach has the advantage that only matrix-vector products
\(B_k v\) are required, and thus \(B_k\) is not required explicitly.
However when factorizations of \(B_k\) are possible, the direct approach
is often more efficient.
The iteration is terminated as soon as the Euclidean norm of the projected gradient,
The generic bound-constrained trust-region method is described in detail in
A. R. Conn, N. I. M. Gould and Ph. L. Toint, Trust-region methods. SIAM/MPS Series on Optimization (2000).
matrix storage#
The symmetric \(n\) by \(n\) matrix \(H = \nabla^2_{xx}f\) may be presented and stored in a variety of formats. But crucially symmetry is exploited by only storing values from the lower triangular part (i.e, those entries that lie on or below the leading diagonal).
Dense storage format: The matrix \(H\) is stored as a compact dense matrix by rows, that is, the values of the entries of each row in turn are stored in order within an appropriate real one-dimensional array. Since \(H\) is symmetric, only the lower triangular part (that is the part \(H_{ij}\) for \(1 \leq j \leq i \leq n\)) need be held. In this case the lower triangle should be stored by rows, that is component \((i-1) * i / 2 + j\) of the storage array H_val will hold the value \(H_{ij}\) (and, by symmetry, \(H_{ji}\)) for \(1 \leq j \leq i \leq n\). The string H_type = ‘dense’ should be specified.
Sparse co-ordinate storage format: Only the nonzero entries of the matrices are stored. For the \(l\)-th entry, \(1 \leq l \leq ne\), of \(H\), its row index i, column index j and value \(H_{ij}\), \(1 \leq j \leq i \leq n\), are stored as the \(l\)-th components of the integer arrays H_row and H_col and real array H_val, respectively, while the number of nonzeros is recorded as H_ne = \(ne\). Note that only the entries in the lower triangle should be stored. The string H_type = ‘coordinate’ should be specified.
Sparse row-wise storage format: Again only the nonzero entries are stored, but this time they are ordered so that those in row i appear directly before those in row i+1. For the i-th row of \(H\) the i-th component of the integer array H_ptr holds the position of the first entry in this row, while H_ptr(n+1) holds the total number of entries plus one. The column indices j, \(1 \leq j \leq i\), and values \(H_{ij}\) of the entries in the i-th row are stored in components l = H_ptr(i), …, H_ptr(i+1)-1 of the integer array H_col, and real array H_val, respectively. Note that as before only the entries in the lower triangle should be stored. For sparse matrices, this scheme almost always requires less storage than its predecessor. The string H_type = ‘sparse_by_rows’ should be specified.
Diagonal storage format: If \(H\) is diagonal (i.e., \(H_{ij} = 0\) for all \(1 \leq i \neq j \leq n\)) only the diagonals entries \(H_{ii}\), \(1 \leq i \leq n\) need be stored, and the first n components of the array H_val may be used for the purpose. The string H_type = ‘diagonal’ should be specified.
introduction to function calls#
To solve a given problem, functions from the trb package must be called in the following order:
trb_initialize - provide default control parameters and set up initial data structures
trb_read_specfile (optional) - override control values by reading replacement values from a file
trb_import - set up problem data structures and fixed values
trb_reset_control (optional) - possibly change control parameters if a sequence of problems are being solved
solve the problem by calling one of
trb_solve_with_mat - solve using function calls to evaluate function, gradient and Hessian values
trb_solve_without_mat - solve using function calls to evaluate function and gradient values and Hessian-vector products
trb_solve_reverse_with_mat - solve returning to the calling program to obtain function, gradient and Hessian values, or
trb_solve_reverse_without_mat - solve returning to the calling prorgram to obtain function and gradient values and Hessian-vector products
trb_information (optional) - recover information about the solution and solution process
trb_terminate - deallocate data structures
See the examples section for illustrations of use.
parametric real type T#
Below, the symbol T refers to a parametric real type that may be Float32 (single precision), Float64 (double precision) or, if supported, Float128 (quadruple precision).
callable functions#
function trb_initialize(T, data, control, status)
Set default control values and initialize private data
data |
holds private internal data |
control |
status |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that gives the exit status from the package. Possible values are (currently):
function trb_read_specfile(T, control, specfile)
Read the content of a specification file, and assign values associated with given keywords to the corresponding control parameters. An in-depth discussion of specification files is available, and a detailed list of keywords with associated default values is provided in $GALAHAD/src/trb/TRB.template. See also Table 2.1 in the Fortran documentation provided in $GALAHAD/doc/trb.pdf for a list of how these keywords relate to the components of the control structure.
control |
is a structure containing control information (see trb_control_type) |
specfile |
is a one-dimensional array of type Vararg{Cchar} that must give the name of the specification file |
function trb_import(T, control, data, status, n, x_l, x_u, H_type, ne, H_row, H_col, H_ptr)
Import problem data into internal storage prior to solution.
control |
is a structure whose members provide control parameters for the remaining procedures (see trb_control_type) |
data |
holds private internal data |
status |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that gives the exit status from the package. Possible values are:
n |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that holds the number of variables. |
x_l |
is a one-dimensional array of size n and type T that holds the values \(x^l\) of the lower bounds on the optimization variables \(x\). The j-th component of |
x_u |
is a one-dimensional array of size n and type T that holds the values \(x^u\) of the upper bounds on the optimization variables \(x\). The j-th component of |
H_type |
is a one-dimensional array of type Vararg{Cchar} that specifies the symmetric storage scheme used for the Hessian. It should be one of ‘coordinate’, ‘sparse_by_rows’, ‘dense’, ‘diagonal’ or ‘absent’, the latter if access to the Hessian is via matrix-vector products; lower or upper case variants are allowed. |
ne |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that holds the number of entries in the lower triangular part of H in the sparse co-ordinate storage scheme. It need not be set for any of the other three schemes. |
H_row |
is a one-dimensional array of size ne and type Int32 that holds the row indices of the lower triangular part of H in the sparse co-ordinate storage scheme. It need not be set for any of the other three schemes, and in this case can be C_NULL |
H_col |
is a one-dimensional array of size ne and type Int32 that holds the column indices of the lower triangular part of H in either the sparse co-ordinate, or the sparse row-wise storage scheme. It need not be set when the dense or diagonal storage schemes are used, and in this case can be C_NULL |
H_ptr |
is a one-dimensional array of size n+1 and type Int32 that holds the starting position of each row of the lower triangular part of H, as well as the total number of entries, in the sparse row-wise storage scheme. It need not be set when the other schemes are used, and in this case can be C_NULL |
function trb_reset_control(T, control, data, status)
Reset control parameters after import if required.
control |
is a structure whose members provide control parameters for the remaining procedures (see trb_control_type) |
data |
holds private internal data |
status |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that gives the exit status from the package. Possible values are:
function trb_solve_with_mat(T, data, userdata, status, n, x, g, ne, eval_f, eval_g, eval_h, eval_prec)
Find a local minimizer of a given function subject to simple bounds on the variables using a trust-region method.
This call is for the case where \(H = \nabla_{xx}f(x)\) is provided specifically, and all function/derivative information is available by function calls.
data |
holds private internal data |
userdata |
is a structure that allows data to be passed into the function and derivative evaluation programs. |
status |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that gives the entry and exit status from the package. On initial entry, status must be set to 1. Possible exit values are:
n |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that holds the number of variables |
x |
is a one-dimensional array of size n and type T that holds the values \(x\) of the optimization variables. The j-th component of |
g |
is a one-dimensional array of size n and type T that holds the gradient \(g = \nabla_xf(x)\) of the objective function. The j-th component of |
ne |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that holds the number of entries in the lower triangular part of the Hessian matrix \(H\). |
eval_f |
is a user-supplied function that must have the following signature: function eval_f(n, x, f, userdata) The value of the objective function \(f(x)\) evaluated
at x=\(x\) must be assigned to f, and the function
return value set to 0. If the evaluation is impossible
at x, return should be set to a nonzero value. Data
may be passed into |
eval_g |
is a user-supplied function that must have the following signature: function eval_g(n, x, g, userdata) The components of the gradient \(g = \nabla_x f(x\)) of
the objective function evaluated at x=\(x\) must be
assigned to g, and the function return value set
to 0. If the evaluation is impossible at x, return
should be set to a nonzero value. Data may be passed
into |
eval_h |
is a user-supplied function that must have the following signature: function eval_h(n, ne, x, h, userdata) The nonzeros of the Hessian \(H = \nabla_{xx}f(x)\) of
the objective function evaluated at x=\(x\) must be
assigned to h in the same order as presented to
trb_import, and the function return value set to 0. If
the evaluation is impossible at x, return should be
set to a nonzero value. Data may be passed into
eval_prec |
is an optional user-supplied function that may be C_NULL. If non-NULL, it must have the following signature: function eval_prec(n, x, u, v, userdata) The product \(u = P(x) v\) of the user’s preconditioner
\(P(x)\) evaluated at \(x\) with the vector v=\(v\), the
result \(u\) must be retured in u, and the function
return value set to 0. If the evaluation is impossible
at x, return should be set to a nonzero value. Data
may be passed into |
function trb_solve_without_mat(T, data, userdata, status, n, x, g, eval_f, eval_g, eval_hprod, eval_shprod, eval_prec)
Find a local minimizer of a given function subject to simple bounds on the variables using a trust-region method.
This call is for the case where access to \(H = \nabla_{xx}f(x)\) is provided by Hessian-vector products, and all function/derivative information is available by function calls.
data |
holds private internal data |
userdata |
is a structure that allows data to be passed into the function and derivative evaluation programs. |
status |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that gives the entry and exit status from the package. On initial entry, status must be set to 1. Possible exit values are:
n |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that holds the number of variables |
x |
is a one-dimensional array of size n and type T that holds the values \(x\) of the optimization variables. The j-th component of |
g |
is a one-dimensional array of size n and type T that holds the gradient \(g = \nabla_xf(x)\) of the objective function. The j-th component of |
eval_f |
is a user-supplied function that must have the following signature: function eval_f(n, x, f, userdata) The value of the objective function \(f(x)\) evaluated
at x=\(x\) must be assigned to f, and the function
return value set to 0. If the evaluation is impossible
at x, return should be set to a nonzero value. Data
may be passed into |
eval_g |
is a user-supplied function that must have the following signature: function eval_g(n, x, g, userdata) The components of the gradient \(g = \nabla_x f(x\)) of
the objective function evaluated at x=\(x\) must be
assigned to g, and the function return value set
to 0. If the evaluation is impossible at x, return
should be set to a nonzero value. Data may be passed
into |
eval_hprod |
is a user-supplied function that must have the following signature: function eval_hprod(n, x, u, v, got_h, userdata) The sum \(u + \nabla_{xx}f(x) v\) of the product of the
Hessian \(\nabla_{xx}f(x)\) of the objective function
evaluated at x=\(x\) with the vector v=\(v\) and the
vector $ \(u\) must be returned in u, and the function
return value set to 0. If the evaluation is impossible
at x, return should be set to a nonzero value. The
Hessian has already been evaluated or used at x if
got_h is true. Data may be passed into |
eval_shprod |
is a user-supplied function that must have the following signature: function eval_shprod(n, x, nnz_v, index_nz_v, v, nnz_u, index_nz_u, u, got_h, userdata) The product \(u = \nabla_{xx}f(x) v\) of the Hessian
\(\nabla_{xx}f(x)\) of the objective function evaluated
at \(x\) with the sparse vector v=\(v\) must be returned
in u, and the function return value set to 0. Only the
components index_nz_v[0:nnz_v-1] of v are nonzero, and
the remaining components may not have been be set. On
exit, the user must indicate the nnz_u indices of u
that are nonzero in index_nz_u[0:nnz_u-1], and only
these components of u need be set. If the evaluation
is impossible at x, return should be set to a nonzero
value. The Hessian has already been evaluated or used
at x if got_h is true. Data may be passed into
eval_prec |
is an optional user-supplied function that may be C_NULL. If non-NULL, it must have the following signature: function eval_prec(n, x, u, v, userdata) The product \(u = P(x) v\) of the user’s preconditioner
\(P(x)\) evaluated at \(x\) with the vector v=\(v\), the
result \(u\) must be retured in u, and the function
return value set to 0. If the evaluation is impossible
at x, return should be set to a nonzero value. Data
may be passed into |
function trb_solve_reverse_with_mat(T, data, status, eval_status, n, x, f, g, ne, H_val, u, v)
Find a local minimizer of a given function subject to simple bounds on the variables using a trust-region method.
This call is for the case where \(H = \nabla_{xx}f(x)\) is provided specifically, but function/derivative information is only available by returning to the calling procedure
data |
holds private internal data |
status |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that gives the entry and exit status from the package. On initial entry, status must be set to 1. Possible exit values are:
eval_status |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that is used to indicate if objective function/gradient/Hessian values can be provided (see above) |
n |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that holds the number of variables |
x |
is a one-dimensional array of size n and type T that holds the values \(x\) of the optimization variables. The j-th component of |
f |
is a scalar variable pointer of type T that holds the value of the objective function. |
g |
is a one-dimensional array of size n and type T that holds the gradient \(g = \nabla_xf(x)\) of the objective function. The j-th component of |
ne |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that holds the number of entries in the lower triangular part of the Hessian matrix \(H\). |
H_val |
is a one-dimensional array of size ne and type T that holds the values of the entries of the lower triangular part of the Hessian matrix \(H\) in any of the available storage schemes. |
u |
is a one-dimensional array of size n and type T that is used for reverse communication (see above for details) |
v |
is a one-dimensional array of size n and type T that is used for reverse communication (see above for details) |
function trb_solve_reverse_without_mat(T, data, status, eval_status, n, x, f, g, u, v, index_nz_v, nnz_v, index_nz_u, nnz_u)
Find a local minimizer of a given function subject to simple bounds on the variables using a trust-region method.
This call is for the case where access to \(H = \nabla_{xx}f(x)\) is provided by Hessian-vector products, but function/derivative information is only available by returning to the calling procedure.
data |
holds private internal data |
status |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that gives the entry and exit status from the package. On initial entry, status must be set to 1. Possible exit values are:
eval_status |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that is used to indicate if objective function/gradient/Hessian values can be provided (see above) |
n |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that holds the number of variables |
x |
is a one-dimensional array of size n and type T that holds the values \(x\) of the optimization variables. The j-th component of |
f |
is a scalar variable pointer of type T that holds the value of the objective function. |
g |
is a one-dimensional array of size n and type T that holds the gradient \(g = \nabla_xf(x)\) of the objective function. The j-th component of |
u |
is a one-dimensional array of size n and type T that is used for reverse communication (see status=5,6,7 above for details) |
v |
is a one-dimensional array of size n and type T that is used for reverse communication (see status=5,6,7 above for details) |
index_nz_v |
is a one-dimensional array of size n and type Int32 that is used for reverse communication (see status=7 above for details) |
nnz_v |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that is used for reverse communication (see status=7 above for details) |
index_nz_u |
is a one-dimensional array of size n and type Int32 that is used for reverse communication (see status=7 above for details) |
nnz_u |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that is used for reverse communication (see status=7 above for details). On initial (status=1) entry, nnz_u should be set to an (arbitrary) nonzero value, and nnz_u=0 is recommended |
function trb_information(T, data, inform, status)
Provides output information
data |
holds private internal data |
inform |
is a structure containing output information (see trb_inform_type) |
status |
is a scalar variable of type Int32 that gives the exit status from the package. Possible values are (currently):
function trb_terminate(T, data, control, inform)
Deallocate all internal private storage
data |
holds private internal data |
control |
is a structure containing control information (see trb_control_type) |
inform |
is a structure containing output information (see trb_inform_type) |
available structures#
trb_control_type structure#
struct trb_control_type{T} f_indexing::Bool error::Int32 out::Int32 print_level::Int32 start_print::Int32 stop_print::Int32 print_gap::Int32 maxit::Int32 alive_unit::Int32 alive_file::NTuple{31,Cchar} more_toraldo::Int32 non_monotone::Int32 model::Int32 norm::Int32 semi_bandwidth::Int32 lbfgs_vectors::Int32 max_dxg::Int32 icfs_vectors::Int32 mi28_lsize::Int32 mi28_rsize::Int32 advanced_start::Int32 infinity::T stop_pg_absolute::T stop_pg_relative::T stop_s::T initial_radius::T maximum_radius::T stop_rel_cg::T eta_successful::T eta_very_successful::T eta_too_successful::T radius_increase::T radius_reduce::T radius_reduce_max::T obj_unbounded::T cpu_time_limit::T clock_time_limit::T hessian_available::Bool subproblem_direct::Bool retrospective_trust_region::Bool renormalize_radius::Bool two_norm_tr::Bool exact_gcp::Bool accurate_bqp::Bool space_critical::Bool deallocate_error_fatal::Bool prefix::NTuple{31,Cchar} trs_control::trs_control_type{T} gltr_control::gltr_control_type{T} psls_control::psls_control_type{T} lms_control::lms_control_type{T} lms_control_prec::lms_control_type{T} sha_control::sha_control_type
detailed documentation#
control derived type as a Julia structure
Bool f_indexing
use C or Fortran sparse matrix indexing
Int32 error
error and warning diagnostics occur on stream error
Int32 out
general output occurs on stream out
Int32 print_level
the level of output required.
\(\leq\) 0 gives no output,
= 1 gives a one-line summary for every iteration,
= 2 gives a summary of the inner iteration for each iteration,
\(\geq\) 3 gives increasingly verbose (debugging) output
Int32 start_print
any printing will start on this iteration
Int32 stop_print
any printing will stop on this iteration
Int32 print_gap
the number of iterations between printing
Int32 maxit
the maximum number of iterations performed
Int32 alive_unit
removal of the file alive_file from unit alive_unit terminates execution
char alive_file[31]
see alive_unit
Int32 more_toraldo
more_toraldo >= 1 gives the number of More’-Toraldo projected searches to be used to improve upon the Cauchy point, anything else is for the standard add-one-at-a-time CG search
Int32 non_monotone
non-monotone <= 0 monotone strategy used, anything else non-monotone strategy with this history length used
Int32 model
the model used.
Possible values are
0 dynamic (not yet implemented)
1 first-order (no Hessian)
2 second-order (exact Hessian)
3 barely second-order (identity Hessian)
4 secant second-order (sparsity-based)
5 secant second-order (limited-memory BFGS, with .lbfgs_vectors history) (not yet implemented)
6 secant second-order (limited-memory SR1, with .lbfgs_vectors history) (not yet implemented)
Int32 norm
The norm is defined via \(\|v\|^2 = v^T P v\), and will define the preconditioner used for iterative methods. Possible values for \(P\) are.
-3 users own preconditioner
-2 \(P =\) limited-memory BFGS matrix (with .lbfgs_vectors history)
-1 identity (= Euclidan two-norm)
0 automatic (not yet implemented)
1 diagonal, \(P =\) diag( max( Hessian, .min_diagonal ) )
2 banded, \(P =\) band( Hessian ) with semi-bandwidth .semi_bandwidth
3 re-ordered band, P=band(order(A)) with semi-bandwidth .semi_bandwidth
4 full factorization, \(P =\) Hessian, Schnabel-Eskow modification
5 full factorization, \(P =\) Hessian, GMPS modification (not yet implemented)
6 incomplete factorization of Hessian, Lin-More’
7 incomplete factorization of Hessian, HSL_MI28
8 incomplete factorization of Hessian, Munskgaard (not yet implemented)
9 expanding band of Hessian (not yet implemented)
Int32 semi_bandwidth
specify the semi-bandwidth of the band matrix P if required
Int32 lbfgs_vectors
number of vectors used by the L-BFGS matrix P if required
Int32 max_dxg
number of vectors used by the sparsity-based secant Hessian if required
Int32 icfs_vectors
number of vectors used by the Lin-More’ incomplete factorization matrix P if required
Int32 mi28_lsize
the maximum number of fill entries within each column of the incomplete factor L computed by HSL_MI28. In general, increasing .mi28_lsize improve the quality of the preconditioner but increases the time to compute and then apply the preconditioner. Values less than 0 are treated as 0
Int32 mi28_rsize
the maximum number of entries within each column of the strictly lower triangular matrix \(R\) used in the computation of the preconditioner by HSL_MI28. Rank-1 arrays of size .mi28_rsize \* n are allocated internally to hold \(R\). Thus the amount of memory used, as well as the amount of work involved in computing the preconditioner, depends on .mi28_rsize. Setting .mi28_rsize > 0 generally leads to a higher quality preconditioner than using .mi28_rsize = 0, and choosing .mi28_rsize >= .mi28_lsize is generally recommended
Int32 advanced_start
iterates of a variant on the strategy of Sartenaer SISC 18(6)1990:1788-1803
T infinity
any bound larger than infinity in modulus will be regarded as infinite
T stop_pg_absolute
overall convergence tolerances. The iteration will terminate when the norm of the gradient of the objective function is smaller than MAX( .stop_pg_absolute, .stop_pg_relative * norm of the initial gradient ) or if the step is less than .stop_s
T stop_pg_relative
see stop_pg_absolute
T stop_s
see stop_pg_absolute
T initial_radius
initial value for the trust-region radius
T maximum_radius
maximum permitted trust-region radius
T stop_rel_cg
required relative reduction in the resuiduals from CG
T eta_successful
a potential iterate will only be accepted if the actual decrease f - f(x_new) is larger than .eta_successful times that predicted by a quadratic model of the decrease. The trust-region radius will be increased if this relative decrease is greater than .eta_very_successful but smaller than .eta_too_successful
T eta_very_successful
see eta_successful
T eta_too_successful
see eta_successful
T radius_increase
on very successful iterations, the trust-region radius will be increased the factor .radius_increase, while if the iteration is unsucceful, the radius will be decreased by a factor .radius_reduce but no more than .radius_reduce_max
T radius_reduce
see radius_increase
T radius_reduce_max
see radius_increase
T obj_unbounded
the smallest value the objective function may take before the problem is marked as unbounded
T cpu_time_limit
the maximum CPU time allowed (-ve means infinite)
T clock_time_limit
the maximum elapsed clock time allowed (-ve means infinite)
Bool hessian_available
is the Hessian matrix of second derivatives available or is access only via matrix-vector products?
Bool subproblem_direct
use a direct (factorization) or (preconditioned) iterative method to find the search direction
Bool retrospective_trust_region
is a retrospective strategy to be used to update the trust-region radius
Bool renormalize_radius
should the radius be renormalized to account for a change in preconditioner?
Bool two_norm_tr
should an ellipsoidal trust-region be used rather than an infinity norm one?
Bool exact_gcp
is the exact Cauchy point required rather than an approximation?
Bool accurate_bqp
should the minimizer of the quadratic model within the intersection of the trust-region and feasible box be found (to a prescribed accuracy) rather than a (much) cheaper approximation?
Bool space_critical
if .space_critical true, every effort will be made to use as little space as possible. This may result in longer computation time
Bool deallocate_error_fatal
if .deallocate_error_fatal is true, any array/pointer deallocation error will terminate execution. Otherwise, computation will continue
NTuple{31,Cchar} prefix
all output lines will be prefixed by .prefix(2:LEN(TRIM(.prefix))-1) where .prefix contains the required string enclosed in quotes, e.g. “string” or ‘string’
struct trs_control_type trs_control
control parameters for TRS
struct gltr_control_type gltr_control
control parameters for GLTR
struct psls_control_type psls_control
control parameters for PSLS
struct lms_control_type lms_control
control parameters for LMS
struct lms_control_type lms_control_prec
control parameters for LMS used for preconditioning
struct sha_control_type sha_control
control parameters for SHA
trb_time_type structure#
struct trb_time_type{T} total::Float32 preprocess::Float32 analyse::Float32 factorize::Float32 solve::Float32 clock_total::T clock_preprocess::T clock_analyse::T clock_factorize::T clock_solve::T
detailed documentation#
time derived type as a Julia structure
Float32 total
the total CPU time spent in the package
Float32 preprocess
the CPU time spent preprocessing the problem
Float32 analyse
the CPU time spent analysing the required matrices prior to factorization
Float32 factorize
the CPU time spent factorizing the required matrices
Float32 solve
the CPU time spent computing the search direction
T clock_total
the total clock time spent in the package
T clock_preprocess
the clock time spent preprocessing the problem
T clock_analyse
the clock time spent analysing the required matrices prior to factorization
T clock_factorize
the clock time spent factorizing the required matrices
T clock_solve
the clock time spent computing the search direction
trb_inform_type structure#
struct trb_inform_type{T} status::Int32 alloc_status::Int32 bad_alloc::NTuple{81,Cchar} iter::Int32 cg_iter::Int32 cg_maxit::Int32 f_eval::Int32 g_eval::Int32 h_eval::Int32 n_free::Int32 factorization_max::Int32 factorization_status::Int32 max_entries_factors::Int64 factorization_integer::Int64 factorization_real::Int64 obj::T norm_pg::T radius::T time::trb_time_type{T} trs_inform::trs_inform_type{T} gltr_inform::gltr_inform_type{T} psls_inform::psls_inform_type{T} lms_inform::lms_inform_type{T} lms_inform_prec::lms_inform_type{T} sha_inform::sha_inform_type
detailed documentation#
inform derived type as a Julia structure
Int32 status
return status. See TRB_solve for details
Int32 alloc_status
the status of the last attempted allocation/deallocation
NTuple{81,Cchar} bad_alloc
the name of the array for which an allocation/deallocation error occurred
Int32 iter
the total number of iterations performed
Int32 cg_iter
the total number of CG iterations performed
Int32 cg_maxit
the maximum number of CG iterations allowed per iteration
Int32 f_eval
the total number of evaluations of the objective function
Int32 g_eval
the total number of evaluations of the gradient of the objective function
Int32 h_eval
the total number of evaluations of the Hessian of the objective function
Int32 n_free
the number of variables that are free from their bounds
Int32 factorization_max
the maximum number of factorizations in a sub-problem solve
Int32 factorization_status
the return status from the factorization
Int64 max_entries_factors
the maximum number of entries in the factors
Int64 factorization_integer
the total integer workspace required for the factorization
Int64 factorization_real
the total real workspace required for the factorization
T obj
the value of the objective function at the best estimate of the solution determined by TRB_solve
T norm_pg
the norm of the projected gradient of the objective function at the best estimate of the solution determined by TRB_solve
T radius
the current value of the trust-region radius
struct trb_time_type time
timings (see above)
struct trs_inform_type trs_inform
inform parameters for TRS
struct gltr_inform_type gltr_inform
inform parameters for GLTR
struct psls_inform_type psls_inform
inform parameters for PSLS
struct lms_inform_type lms_inform
inform parameters for LMS
struct lms_inform_type lms_inform_prec
inform parameters for LMS used for preconditioning
struct sha_inform_type sha_inform
inform parameters for SHA
example calls#
This is an example of how to use the package to solve a bound-constrained multi-dimensional optimization problem; the code is available in $GALAHAD/src/trb/Julia/test_trb.jl . A variety of supported Hessian matrix storage formats are shown.
# test_trb.jl
# Simple code to test the Julia interface to TRB
using Test
using Printf
using Accessors
using Quadmath
# Custom userdata struct
struct userdata_trb{T}
function test_trb(::Type{T}) where T
# Objective function
function fun(n::Int, x::Vector{T}, f::Ref{T}, userdata::userdata_trb)
p = userdata.p
f[] = (x[1] + x[3] + p)^2 + (x[2] + x[3])^2 + cos(x[1])
return 0
# Gradient of the objective
function grad(n::Int, x::Vector{T}, g::Vector{T}, userdata::userdata_trb)
p = userdata.p
g[1] = 2.0 * (x[1] + x[3] + p) - sin(x[1])
g[2] = 2.0 * (x[2] + x[3])
g[3] = 2.0 * (x[1] + x[3] + p) + 2.0 * (x[2] + x[3])
return 0
# Hessian of the objective
function hess(n::Int, ne::Int, x::Vector{T}, hval::Vector{T},
hval[1] = 2.0 - cos(x[1])
hval[2] = 2.0
hval[3] = 2.0
hval[4] = 2.0
hval[5] = 4.0
return 0
# Dense Hessian
function hess_dense(n::Int, ne::Int, x::Vector{T}, hval::Vector{T},
hval[1] = 2.0 - cos(x[1])
hval[2] = 0.0
hval[3] = 2.0
hval[4] = 2.0
hval[5] = 2.0
hval[6] = 4.0
return 0
# Hessian-vector product
function hessprod(n::Int, x::Vector{T}, u::Vector{T}, v::Vector{T},
got_h::Bool, userdata::userdata_trb)
u[1] = u[1] + 2.0 * (v[1] + v[3]) - cos(x[1]) * v[1]
u[2] = u[2] + 2.0 * (v[2] + v[3])
u[3] = u[3] + 2.0 * (v[1] + v[2] + 2.0 * v[3])
return 0
# Sparse Hessian-vector product
function shessprod(n::Int, x::Vector{T}, nnz_v::Cint, index_nz_v::Vector{Cint},
v::Vector{T}, nnz_u::Ref{Cint}, index_nz_u::Vector{Cint},
u::Vector{T}, got_h::Bool, userdata::userdata_trb)
p = zeros(T, 3)
used = falses(3)
for i in 1:nnz_v
j = index_nz_v[i]
if j == 1
p[1] = p[1] + 2.0 * v[1] - cos(x[1]) * v[1]
used[1] = true
p[3] = p[3] + 2.0 * v[1]
used[3] = true
elseif j == 2
p[2] = p[2] + 2.0 * v[2]
used[2] = true
p[3] = p[3] + 2.0 * v[2]
used[3] = true
elseif j == 3
p[1] = p[1] + 2.0 * v[3]
used[1] = true
p[2] = p[2] + 2.0 * v[3]
used[2] = true
p[3] = p[3] + 4.0 * v[3]
used[3] = true
nnz_u[] = 0
for j in 1:3
if used[j]
u[j] = p[j]
nnz_u[] += 1
index_nz_u[nnz_u[]] = j
return 0
# Apply preconditioner
function prec(n::Int, x::Vector{T}, u::Vector{T}, v::Vector{T},
u[1] = 0.5 * v[1]
u[2] = 0.5 * v[2]
u[3] = 0.25 * v[3]
return 0
# Objective function
function fun_diag(n::Int, x::Vector{T}, f::Ref{T}, userdata::userdata_trb)
p = userdata.p
f[] = (x[3] + p)^2 + x[2]^2 + cos(x[1])
return 0
# Gradient of the objective
function grad_diag(n::Int, x::Vector{T}, g::Vector{T},
p = userdata.p
g[1] = -sin(x[1])
g[2] = 2.0 * x[2]
g[3] = 2.0 * (x[3] + p)
return 0
# Hessian of the objective
function hess_diag(n::Int, ne::Int, x::Vector{T}, hval::Vector{T},
hval[1] = -cos(x[1])
hval[2] = 2.0
hval[3] = 2.0
return 0
# Hessian-vector product
function hessprod_diag(n::Int, x::Vector{T}, u::Vector{T}, v::Vector{T},
got_h::Bool, userdata::userdata_trb)
u[1] = u[1] + -cos(x[1]) * v[1]
u[2] = u[2] + 2.0 * v[2]
u[3] = u[3] + 2.0 * v[3]
return 0
# Sparse Hessian-vector product
function shessprod_diag(n::Int, x::Vector{T}, nnz_v::Cint,
index_nz_v::Vector{Cint}, v::Vector{T}, nnz_u::Ref{Cint},
index_nz_u::Vector{Cint}, u::Vector{T}, got_h::Bool,
p = zeros(T, 3)
used = falses(3)
for i in 1:nnz_v
j = index_nz_v[i]
if j == 1
p[1] = p[1] - cos(x[1]) * v[1]
used[1] = true
elseif j == 2
p[2] = p[2] + 2.0 * v[2]
used[2] = true
elseif j == 3
p[3] = p[3] + 2.0 * v[3]
used[3] = true
nnz_u[] = 0
for j in 1:3
if used[j]
u[j] = p[j]
nnz_u[] += 1
index_nz_u[nnz_u[]] = j
return 0
# Derived types
data = Ref{Ptr{Cvoid}}()
control = Ref{trb_control_type{T}}()
inform = Ref{trb_inform_type{T}}()
# Set user data
userdata = userdata_trb(4.0)
# Set problem data
n = 3 # dimension
ne = 5 # Hesssian elements
x_l = T[-10, -10, -10]
x_u = T[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]
H_row = Cint[1, 2, 3, 3, 3] # Hessian H
H_col = Cint[1, 2, 1, 2, 3] # NB lower triangle
H_ptr = Cint[1, 2, 3, 6] # row pointers
# Set storage
g = zeros(T, n) # gradient
st = ' '
status = Ref{Cint}()
@printf(" Fortran sparse matrix indexing\n\n")
@printf(" tests reverse-communication options\n\n")
# reverse-communication input/output
eval_status = Ref{Cint}()
nnz_v = Ref{Cint}()
nnz_u = Ref{Cint}()
f = Ref{T}(0.0)
u = zeros(T, n)
v = zeros(T, n)
index_nz_u = zeros(Cint, n)
index_nz_v = zeros(Cint, n)
H_val = zeros(T, ne)
H_dense = zeros(T, div(n * (n + 1), 2))
H_diag = zeros(T, n)
for d in 1:5
# Initialize TRB
trb_initialize(T, data, control, status)
# Set user-defined control options
@reset control[].f_indexing = true # Fortran sparse matrix indexing
# @reset control[].print_level = 1
# Start from 1.5
x = T[1.5, 1.5, 1.5]
# sparse co-ordinate storage
if d == 1
st = 'C'
trb_import(T, control, data, status, n, x_l, x_u, "coordinate", ne, H_row, H_col, C_NULL)
terminated = false
while !terminated # reverse-communication loop
trb_solve_reverse_with_mat(T, data, status, eval_status, n, x, f[], g, ne, H_val, u, v)
if status[] == 0 # successful termination
terminated = true
elseif status[] < 0 # error exit
terminated = true
elseif status[] == 2 # evaluate f
eval_status[] = fun(n, x, f, userdata)
elseif status[] == 3 # evaluate g
eval_status[] = grad(n, x, g, userdata)
elseif status[] == 4 # evaluate H
eval_status[] = hess(n, ne, x, H_val, userdata)
elseif status[] == 6 # evaluate the product with P
eval_status[] = prec(n, x, u, v, userdata)
@printf(" the value %1i of status should not occur\n", status)
# sparse by rows
if d == 2
st = 'R'
trb_import(T, control, data, status, n, x_l, x_u, "sparse_by_rows", ne, C_NULL, H_col,
terminated = false
while !terminated # reverse-communication loop
trb_solve_reverse_with_mat(T, data, status, eval_status, n, x, f[], g, ne, H_val, u, v)
if status[] == 0 # successful termination
terminated = true
elseif status[] < 0 # error exit
terminated = true
elseif status[] == 2 # evaluate f
eval_status[] = fun(n, x, f, userdata)
elseif status[] == 3 # evaluate g
eval_status[] = grad(n, x, g, userdata)
elseif status[] == 4 # evaluate H
eval_status[] = hess(n, ne, x, H_val, userdata)
elseif status[] == 6 # evaluate the product with P
eval_status[] = prec(n, x, u, v, userdata)
@printf(" the value %1i of status should not occur\n", status)
# dense
if d == 3
st = 'D'
trb_import(T, control, data, status, n, x_l, x_u,
"dense", ne, C_NULL, C_NULL, C_NULL)
terminated = false
while !terminated # reverse-communication loop
trb_solve_reverse_with_mat(T, data, status, eval_status, n, x, f[], g,
div(n * (n + 1), 2), H_dense, u, v)
if status[] == 0 # successful termination
terminated = true
elseif status[] < 0 # error exit
terminated = true
elseif status[] == 2 # evaluate f
eval_status[] = fun(n, x, f, userdata)
elseif status[] == 3 # evaluate g
eval_status[] = grad(n, x, g, userdata)
elseif status[] == 4 # evaluate H
eval_status[] = hess_dense(n, div(n * (n + 1), 2), x, H_dense, userdata)
elseif status[] == 6 # evaluate the product with P
eval_status[] = prec(n, x, u, v, userdata)
@printf(" the value %1i of status should not occur\n", status)
# diagonal
if d == 4
st = 'I'
trb_import(T, control, data, status, n, x_l, x_u, "diagonal", ne, C_NULL, C_NULL, C_NULL)
terminated = false
while !terminated # reverse-communication loop
trb_solve_reverse_with_mat(T, data, status, eval_status, n, x, f[], g, n, H_diag, u, v)
if status[] == 0 # successful termination
terminated = true
elseif status[] < 0 # error exit
terminated = true
elseif status[] == 2 # evaluate f
eval_status[] = fun_diag(n, x, f, userdata)
elseif status[] == 3 # evaluate g
eval_status[] = grad_diag(n, x, g, userdata)
elseif status[] == 4 # evaluate H
eval_status[] = hess_diag(n, n, x, H_diag, userdata)
elseif status[] == 6 # evaluate the product with P
eval_status[] = prec(n, x, u, v, userdata)
@printf(" the value %1i of status should not occur\n", status)
# access by products
if d == 5
st = 'P'
trb_import(T, control, data, status, n, x_l, x_u, "absent", ne, C_NULL, C_NULL, C_NULL)
nnz_u = Ref{Cint}(0)
terminated = false
while !terminated # reverse-communication loop
trb_solve_reverse_without_mat(T, data, status, eval_status, n, x, f[], g, u, v,
index_nz_v, nnz_v, index_nz_u, nnz_u[])
if status[] == 0 # successful termination
terminated = true
elseif status[] < 0 # error exit
terminated = true
elseif status[] == 2 # evaluate f
eval_status[] = fun(n, x, f, userdata)
elseif status[] == 3 # evaluate g
eval_status[] = grad(n, x, g, userdata)
elseif status[] == 5 # evaluate H
eval_status[] = hessprod(n, x, u, v, false, userdata)
elseif status[] == 6 # evaluate the product with P
eval_status[] = prec(n, x, u, v, userdata)
elseif status[] == 7 # evaluate sparse Hessian-vect prod
eval_status[] = shessprod(n, x, nnz_v[], index_nz_v, v, nnz_u, index_nz_u, u,
@printf(" the value %1i of status should not occur\n", status)
# Record solution information
trb_information(T, data, inform, status)
# Print solution details
if inform[].status[] == 0
@printf("%c:%6i iterations. Optimal objective value = %5.2f status = %1i\n", st,
inform[].iter, inform[].obj, inform[].status)
@printf("%c: TRB_solve exit status = %1i\n", st, inform[].status)
# @printf("x: ")
# for i = 1:n
# @printf("%f ", x[i])
# end
# @printf("\n")
# @printf("gradient: ")
# for i = 1:n
# @printf("%f ", g[i])
# end
# @printf("\n")
# Delete internal workspace
trb_terminate(T, data, control, inform)
return 0
@testset "TRB" begin
@test test_trb(Float32) == 0
@test test_trb(Float64) == 0
@test test_trb(Float128) == 0