lms_inform_type structure#

    struct lms_inform_type{T}

detailed documentation#

inform derived type as a Julia structure


Int32 status

the return status. Possible values are:

  • 0

    the update was successful.

  • -1

    An allocation error occurred. A message indicating the offending array is written on unit control.error, and the returned allocation status and a string containing the name of the offending array are held in inform.alloc_status and inform.bad_alloc respectively.

  • -2

    A deallocation error occurred. A message indicating the offending array is written on unit control.error and the returned allocation status and a string containing the name of the offending array are held in inform.alloc_status and inform.bad_alloc respectively.

  • -3

    One of the restrictions \(n > 0\), \(\delta_k > 0\), \(\lambda_k > 0\) or \(s_k^T y_k > 0\) has been violated and the update has been skipped.

  • -10

    The matrix cannot be built from the current vectors \(\{s_k\}\) and \(\{y_k\}\) and values \(\delta_k\) and \(\lambda_k\) and the update has been skipped.

  • -31

    A call to the function lhs_apply has been made without a prior call to lhs_form_shift or lhs_form with lambda specified when control.method = 4, or lhs_form_shift has been called when control.method = 3, or lhs_change_method has been called after control.any_method = false was specified when calling lhs_setup.

Int32 alloc_status

the status of the last attempted allocation/deallocation

Int32 length

the number of pairs \((s_k,y_k)\) currently used to represent the limited-memory matrix.

Bool updates_skipped

have \((s_k,y_k)\) pairs been skipped when forming the limited-memory matrix?

NTuple{81,Cchar} bad_alloc

the name of the array for which an allocation/deallocation error occurred.

struct lms_time_type time

timings (see above)