The sils
package solves sparse symmetric systems of linear equations
using a multifrontal variant of Gaussian elimination.
Given a sparse symmetric matrix \(A = \{ a_{ij} \}_{n \times n}\), and an
\(n\)-vector \(b\), this function solves the system \(A x = b\).
The matrix \(A\) need not be definite. sils
is based upon a modern fortran
interface to the HSL Archive fortran 77 package MA27
To obtain HSL Archive packages, see
Currently only the options and info dictionaries are exposed; these are
provided and used by other GALAHAD packages with Python interfaces.
Extended functionality is available with the sls
See Section 4 of $GALAHAD/doc/sils.pdf for a brief description of the method employed and other details.
parametric real type T and integer type INT#
Below, the symbol T refers to a parametric real type that may be Float32 (single precision), Float64 (double precision) or, if supported, Float128 (quadruple precision). The symbol INT refers to a parametric integer type that may be Int32 (32-bit integer) or Int64 (64-bit integer).
callable functions#
function sils_initialize(T, INT, data, control, status)
Set default control values and initialize private data
data |
holds private internal data |
control |
is a structure containing control information (see sils_control_type) |
status |
is a scalar variable of type INT that gives the exit status from the package. Possible values are (currently):
function sils_read_specfile(T, INT, control, specfile)
Read the content of a specification file, and assign values associated with given keywords to the corresponding control parameters. An in-depth discussion of specification files is available, and a detailed list of keywords with associated default values is provided in $GALAHAD/src/sils/SILS.template. See also Table 2.1 in the Fortran documentation provided in $GALAHAD/doc/sils.pdf for a list of how these keywords relate to the components of the control structure.
control |
is a structure containing control information (see sils_control_type) |
specfile |
is a one-dimensional array of type Vararg{Cchar} that must give the name of the specification file |
function sils_import(T, INT, control, data, status)
Import problem data into internal storage prior to solution.
control |
is a structure whose members provide control parameters for the remaining procedures (see sils_control_type) |
data |
holds private internal data |
status |
is a scalar variable of type INT that gives the exit status from the package. Possible values are:
function sils_reset_control(T, INT, control, data, status)
Reset control parameters after import if required.
control |
is a structure whose members provide control parameters for the remaining procedures (see sils_control_type) |
data |
holds private internal data |
status |
is a scalar variable of type INT that gives the exit status from the package. Possible values are:
function sils_information(T, INT, data, ainfo, finfo, sinfo, status)
Provides output information
data |
holds private internal data |
ainfo |
is a structure containing output information (see sils_ainfo_type) |
finfo |
is a structure containing output information (see sils_finfo_type) |
sinfo |
is a structure containing output information (see sils_sinfo_type) |
status |
is a scalar variable of type INT that gives the exit status from the package. Possible values are (currently):
function sils_finalize(T, INT, data, control, status)
Deallocate all internal private storage
data |
holds private internal data |
control |
is a structure containing control information (see sils_control_type) |
status |
is a scalar variable of type INT that gives the exit status from the package. Possible values are (currently):
available structures#
sils_control_type structure#
struct sils_control_type{T,INT} f_indexing::Bool ICNTL::NTuple{30,INT} lp::INT wp::INT mp::INT sp::INT ldiag::INT la::INT liw::INT maxla::INT maxliw::INT pivoting::INT nemin::INT factorblocking::INT solveblocking::INT thresh::INT ordering::INT scaling::INT CNTL::NTuple{5,T} multiplier::T reduce::T u::T static_tolerance::T static_level::T tolerance::T convergence::T
detailed documentation#
control derived type as a Julia structure
Bool f_indexing
use C or Fortran sparse matrix indexing
MA27 internal integer controls.
INT lp
Unit for error messages.
INT wp
Unit for warning messages.
INT mp
Unit for monitor output.
INT sp
Unit for statistical output.
INT ldiag
Controls level of diagnostic output.
INT la
Initial size for real array for the factors. If less than nrlnec, default size used.
INT liw
Initial size for integer array for the factors. If less than nirnec, default size used.
INT maxla
Max. size for real array for the factors.
INT maxliw
Max. size for integer array for the factors.
INT pivoting
Controls pivoting. Possible values are:
1 Numerical pivoting will be performed.
2 No pivoting will be performed and an error exit will occur immediately a pivot sign change is detected.
3 No pivoting will be performed and an error exit will occur if a zero pivot is detected.
4 No pivoting is performed but pivots are changed to all be positive.
INT nemin
Minimum number of eliminations in a step (unused)
INT factorblocking
Level 3 blocking in factorize (unused)
INT solveblocking
Level 2 and 3 blocking in solve.
INT thresh
Controls threshold for detecting full rows in analyse, registered as percentage of N, 100 Only fully dense rows detected (default)
INT ordering
Controls ordering: Possible values are:
0 AMD using HSL’s MC47
1 User defined
2 AMD using HSL’s MC50
3 Min deg as in HSL’s MA57
4 Metis_nodend ordering
5 Ordering chosen depending on matrix characteristics. At the moment choices are HSL’s MC50 or Metis_nodend
>5 Presently equivalent to 5 but may chnage
INT scaling
Controls scaling: Possible values are:
0 No scaling
>0 Scaling using HSL’s MC64 but may change for > 1
MA27 internal real controls.
T multiplier
Factor by which arrays sizes are to be increased if they are too small.
T reduce
If previously allocated internal workspace arrays are greater than reduce times the currently required sizes, they are reset to current requirment.
T u
Pivot threshold.
T static_tolerance
used for setting static pivot level
T static_level
used for switch to static
T tolerance
Anything less than this is considered zero.
T convergence
used to monitor convergence in iterative refinement
sils_ainfo_type structure#
struct sils_ainfo_type{T,INT} flag::INT more::INT nsteps::INT nrltot::INT nirtot::INT nrlnec::INT nirnec::INT nrladu::INT niradu::INT ncmpa::INT oor::INT dup::INT maxfrt::INT stat::INT faulty::INT opsa::T opse::T
detailed documentation#
ainfo derived type as a Julia structure
INT flag
Flags success or failure case.
INT more
More information on failure.
INT nsteps
Number of elimination steps.
INT nrltot
Size for a without compression.
INT nirtot
Size for iw without compression.
INT nrlnec
Size for a with compression.
INT nirnec
Size for iw with compression.
INT nrladu
Number of reals to hold factors.
INT niradu
Number of integers to hold factors.
INT ncmpa
Number of compresses.
INT oor
Number of indices out-of-range.
INT dup
Number of duplicates.
INT maxfrt
Forecast maximum front size.
INT stat
STAT value after allocate failure.
INT faulty
legacy component, now not used
T opsa
Anticipated number of operations in assembly.
T opse
Anticipated number of operations in elimination.
sils_finfo_type structure#
struct sils_finfo_type{T,INT} flag::INT more::INT maxfrt::INT nebdu::INT nrlbdu::INT nirbdu::INT nrltot::INT nirtot::INT nrlnec::INT nirnec::INT ncmpbr::INT ncmpbi::INT ntwo::INT neig::INT delay::INT signc::INT nstatic::INT modstep::INT rank::INT stat::INT faulty::INT step::INT opsa::T opse::T opsb::T maxchange::T smin::T smax::T
detailed documentation#
finfo derived type as a Julia structure
INT flag
Flags success or failure case.
INT more
More information on failure.
INT maxfrt
Largest front size.
INT nebdu
Number of entries in factors.
INT nrlbdu
Number of reals that hold factors.
INT nirbdu
Number of integers that hold factors.
INT nrltot
Size for a without compression.
INT nirtot
Size for iw without compression.
INT nrlnec
Size for a with compression.
INT nirnec
Size for iw with compression.
INT ncmpbr
Number of compresses of real data.
INT ncmpbi
Number of compresses of integer data.
INT ntwo
Number of 2x2 pivots.
INT neig
Number of negative eigenvalues.
INT delay
Number of delayed pivots (total)
INT signc
Number of pivot sign changes when control.pivoting=3.
INT nstatic
Number of static pivots chosen.
INT modstep
First pivot modification when control.pivoting=4.
INT rank
Rank of original factorization.
INT stat
STAT value after allocate failure.
INT faulty
legacy component, now not used
INT step
legacy component, now not used
T opsa
operations in assembly#
T opse
number of operations in elimination
T opsb
Additional number of operations for BLAS.
T maxchange
Largest control.pivoting=4 modification.
T smin
Minimum scaling factor.
T smax
Maximum scaling factor.
sils_sinfo_type structure#
struct sils_sinfo_type{T,INT} flag::INT stat::INT cond::T cond2::T berr::T berr2::T error::T
detailed documentation#
sinfo derived type as a Julia structure
INT flag
Flags success or failure case.
INT stat
STAT value after allocate failure.
T cond
Condition number of matrix (category 1 eqs)
T cond2
Condition number of matrix (category 2 eqs)
T berr
Backward error for the system (category 1 eqs)
T berr2
Backward error for the system (category 2 eqs)
T error
Estimate of forward error.