sils_ainfo_type structure#
struct sils_ainfo_type{T,INT} flag::INT more::INT nsteps::INT nrltot::INT nirtot::INT nrlnec::INT nirnec::INT nrladu::INT niradu::INT ncmpa::INT oor::INT dup::INT maxfrt::INT stat::INT faulty::INT opsa::T opse::T
detailed documentation#
ainfo derived type as a Julia structure
INT flag
Flags success or failure case.
INT more
More information on failure.
INT nsteps
Number of elimination steps.
INT nrltot
Size for a without compression.
INT nirtot
Size for iw without compression.
INT nrlnec
Size for a with compression.
INT nirnec
Size for iw with compression.
INT nrladu
Number of reals to hold factors.
INT niradu
Number of integers to hold factors.
INT ncmpa
Number of compresses.
INT oor
Number of indices out-of-range.
INT dup
Number of duplicates.
INT maxfrt
Forecast maximum front size.
INT stat
STAT value after allocate failure.
INT faulty
legacy component, now not used
T opsa
Anticipated number of operations in assembly.
T opse
Anticipated number of operations in elimination.