ir_control_type structure#

#include <galahad_ir.h>

struct ir_control_type {
    // fields

    bool f_indexing;
    ipc_ error;
    ipc_ out;
    ipc_ print_level;
    ipc_ itref_max;
    rpc_ acceptable_residual_relative;
    rpc_ acceptable_residual_absolute;
    rpc_ required_residual_relative;
    bool record_residuals;
    bool space_critical;
    bool deallocate_error_fatal;
    char prefix[31];

detailed documentation#

control derived type as a C struct


bool f_indexing

use C or Fortran sparse matrix indexing

ipc_ error

unit for error messages

ipc_ out

unit for monitor output

ipc_ print_level

controls level of diagnostic output

ipc_ itref_max

maximum number of iterative refinements allowed

rpc_ acceptable_residual_relative

refinement will cease as soon as the residual \(\|Ax-b\|\) falls below max( acceptable_residual_relative \* \(\|b\|\), acceptable_residual_absolute )

rpc_ acceptable_residual_absolute

see acceptable_residual_relative

rpc_ required_residual_relative

refinement will be judged to have failed if the residual \(\|Ax-b\| \geq\) required_residual_relative \* \(\|b\|\). No checking if required_residual_relative < 0

bool record_residuals

record the initial and final residual

bool space_critical

if space is critical, ensure allocated arrays are no bigger than needed

bool deallocate_error_fatal

exit if any deallocation fails

char prefix[31]

all output lines will be prefixed by prefix(2:LEN(TRIM(.prefix))-1) where prefix contains the required string enclosed in quotes, e.g. “string” or ‘string’