The CONSTANTS, RHS or RHS' indicator cards
are used
interchangeably to announce the definition of a vector of the constant
terms (in the constrained case, the right-hand-sides) for each
linear element.
The syntax for data following this indicator card is
given in Figure 3.11.
The string rhs-name in data field 2 gives the name of the vector of group constants/ right-hand-sides. This name may be up to ten characters long. More than one vector of group constants may be defined.
The strings $$$$$$$$$$ is used for two purposes.
The string numerical-vl in data field 4 and (optionally) 6 now contains the numerical value of the constant/right-hand-side and may occupy up to 12 locations.
Constants for an array of groups may also be defined on cards in which field 1 contains the character X or Z. On such cards, the expanded array name in field 3 and (as an option on X cards) 5 must be valid and the integer indices must have been defined in a parameter assignment (see Section 3.2.3). On Z cards, the numerical value of the constant/right-hand-side is that previously associated with the real parameter array, r-p-a-name, given in field 5. On X cards, the actual numerical value numerical-vl may occupy up to 12 characters in data fields 4 and (optionally) 6.
Any constants not specified take a default value. The default value for the components of each vector is initially zero. This default may be changed using a card whose third field contains the string 'DEFAULT' as mentioned above. On such a card, the default value for the vector in field 2 is given in field 4 whenever field 1 is blank or contains the character X. If field 1 contains the character Z, the default value is that associated with the real parameter, rl-p-name, named in field 5. The default value applies to each constant not explicitly specified; if the default is to be changed, the change must be made on the first card naming a particular vector of constants.