GALAHAD Fortran Interfaces#
Release: 5.0
Date: Jun 4, 2024
Author: Nick Gould for GALAHAD productions
GALAHAD [1] is a suite of open-source routines for large-scale continuous optimization.
- Unconstrained Optimization
- Bound-constrained Optimization
- Generally-constrained Optimization
- Least-Squares
- BLLS - bound-constrained linear least-squares using a preconditioned, projected-gradient method
- BLLSB - bound-constrained linear least-squares using an interior-point method
- CLLS - linearly-constrained linear least-squares using an interior-point method
- NLS - unconstrained local nonlinear least-squares using a regularization method
- SLLS - simplex-constrained linear least-squares using a preconditioned, projected-gradient method
- Quadratic Programming
- BQP - bound-constrained quadratic programming using a preconditioned, projected-gradient method
- BQPB - bound-constrained quadratic programming using an interior-point method
- CQP - convex quadratic programming using an interior-point method
- CRO - crossover from an interior-point to basic solution for convex quadratic programming
- DQP - convex quadratic programming using a dual active-set method
- EQP - equality-constrained quadratic programming using an iterative method
- LSQP - linear or separable convex quadratic programming using an interior-point trust-region method
- QPA - non-convex quadratic programming using an active-set method
- QPB - non-convex quadratic programming using an interior-point method
- QPC - non-convex quadratic programming using a crossover method
- Linear Programming
- Regularization subproblems
- TRS - global minization of a quadratic function within an ellipsoid using matrix factorization
- RQS - global minization of a regularized quadratic function using matrix factorization
- DPS - global minization of a regularized quadratic function in a diagonalising norm using matrix factorization
- GLTR - global minization of a quadratic function within an ellipsoid using an iterative method
- GLRT - global minization of a regularized quadratic function
- LLSR - global minization of a regularized linear least-squares objective using matrix factorizations
- LLST - global minization of a linear least-squares objective within an ellipsoid using matrix factorizations
- LSTR - global minization of a linear least-squares objective within a sphere using an iterative method
- LSRT - global minization of a regularized linear least-squares objective using an iterative method
- L2RT - global minization of a regularized linear least-Euclidean-norm objective using an iterative method
- Linear Systems
- SLS - solve symmetric systems of linear equations (übersolver)
- ULS - solve unsymmetric systems of linear equations (übersolver)
- SBLS - precondition and solve block symmetric systems of linear equations
- PSLS - precondition symmetric, positive-definite systems of linear equations (übersolver)
- SILS - solve symmetric systems of linear equations
- GLS - solve unsymmetric systems of linear equations
- FDC - find an equivalent linearly independent subset of a system of linear equations
- Global Optimization
- Auxiliary Procedures
- BSC - build and use the Schur complement from constituent matrices
- CHECK - check first and second derivatives
- CONVERT - convert a sparse matrix from one format to another
- FDH - compute a finite-difference approximation to a Hessian matrix
- FIT - fit function and derivative values to data
- HASH - set up and use a chained scatter table
- ICFS - compute an incomplete Cholesky factorization of a given symmetric matrix
- IR - given matrix factors, perform iterative refinement to solve systems
- LHS - compute an array of Latin Hypercube samples
- LMS - maintain limited-memory Hessian approximations
- MIQR - form a multilevel incomplete QR factorization of a matrix
- MOP - perform standard operations on or with a given matrix
- NLPT - support a variety of smooth nonlinear optimization problem storage schemes
- PRESOLVE - transform LP/QP data so that the resulting problem is easier to solve
- QPT - support a variety of quadratic programming problem storage schemes
- RAND - generate uniformly-distributed pseudo-random numbers
- ROOTS - find real roots of real polynomials
- RPD - convert LP/QP data to and from QPLIB format
- SCU - build and extend factors for an evolving block sparse matrix
- SEC - maintain dense BFGS and SR1 secant approximations to a Hessian
- SHA - find a sparse Hessian matrix approximation using componentwise secant approximation
- SMT - support a variety of sparse-matrix storage schemes
- SORT - procedures for sorting and permuting
- SYMBOLS - define symbols that are used througout GALAHAD