
The tru package uses a trust-region method to find a (local) minimizer of a differentiable objective function \(f(x)\) of many variables \(x\). The method offers the choice of direct and iterative solution of the key subproblems, and is most suitable for large problems. First derivatives are required, and if second derivatives can be calculated, they will be exploited.

See Section 4 of $GALAHAD/doc/tru.pdf for additional details.


A trust-region method is used. In this, an improvement to a current estimate of the required minimizer, \(x_k\) is sought by computing a step \(s_k\). The step is chosen to approximately minimize a model \(m_k(s)\) of \(f(x_k + s)\) within a trust region \(\|s_k\| \leq \Delta_k\) for some specified positive “radius” \(\Delta_k\). The quality of the resulting step \(s_k\) is assessed by computing the “ratio” \((f(x_k) - f(x_k + s_k))/ (m_k(0) - m_k(s_k))\). The step is deemed to have succeeded if the ratio exceeds a given \(\eta_s > 0\), and in this case \(x_{k+1} = x_k + s_k\). Otherwise \(x_{k+1} = x_k\), and the radius is reduced by powers of a given reduction factor until it is smaller than \(\|s_k\|\). If the ratio is larger than \(\eta_v \geq \eta_d\), the radius will be increased so that it exceeds \(\|s_k\|\) by a given increase factor. The method will terminate as soon as \(\|\nabla_x f(x_k)\|\) is smaller than a specified value.

Either linear or quadratic models \(m_k(s)\) may be used. The former will be taken as the first two terms \(f(x_k) + s^T \nabla_x f(x_k)\) of a Taylor series about \(x_k\), while the latter uses an approximation to the first three terms \(f(x_k) + s^T \nabla_x f(x_k) + \frac{1}{2} s^T B_k s\), for which \(B_k\) is a symmetric approximation to the Hessian \(\nabla_{xx} f(x_k)\); possible approximations include the true Hessian, limited-memory secant and sparsity approximations and a scaled identity matrix. Normally a two-norm trust region will be used, but this may change if preconditioning is employed.

An approximate minimizer of the model within the trust region is found using either a direct approach involving factorization or an iterative (conjugate-gradient/Lanczos) approach based on approximations to the required solution from a so-called Krlov subspace. The direct approach is based on the knowledge that the required solution satisfies the linear system of equations \((B_k + \lambda_k I) s_k = - \nabla_x f(x_k)\) involving a scalar Lagrange multiplier \(\lambda_k\). This multiplier is found by uni-variate root finding, using a safeguarded Newton-like process, by TRS or DPS (depending on the norm chosen). The iterative approach uses GLTR, and is best accelerated by preconditioning with good approximations to \(B_k\) using PSLS. The iterative approach has the advantage that only matrix-vector products \(B_k v\) are required, and thus \(B_k\) is not required explicitly. However when factorizations of \(B_k\) are possible, the direct approach is often more efficient.


The generic trust-region method is described in detail in

A. R. Conn, N. I. M. Gould and Ph. L. Toint, Trust-region methods. SIAM/MPS Series on Optimization (2000).