
The cro package provides a crossover from a primal-dual interior-point solution to given convex quadratic program to a basic one in which the matrix of defining active constraints/variables is of full rank. This applies to the problem of minimizing the quadratic objective function

\[q(x) = f + g^T x + \frac{1}{2} x^T H x\]
subject to the general linear constraints and simple bounds
\[c_l \leq A x \leq c_u \;\;\mbox{and} \;\; x_l \leq x \leq x_u,\]
where \(H\) and \(A\) are, respectively, given \(n\) by \(n\) symmetric postive-semi-definite and \(m\) by \(n\) matrices, \(g\) is a vector, \(f\) is a scalar, and any of the components of the vectors \(c_l\), \(c_u\), \(x_l\) or \(x_u\) may be infinite. The method is most suitable for problems involving a large number of unknowns \(x\).

See Section 4 of $GALAHAD/doc/cro.pdf for additional details.


Any required solution \(x\) necessarily satisfies the primal optimality conditions

\[A x = c\]
\[c_l \leq c \leq c_u, \;\; x_l \leq x \leq x_u,\]
the dual optimality conditions
\[H x + g = A^{T} y + z,\;\; y = y_l + y_u \;\;\mbox{and}\;\; z = z_l + z_u,\]
\[y_l \geq 0, \;\; y_u \leq 0, \;\; z_l \geq 0 \;\;\mbox{and}\;\; z_u \leq 0,\;\;\mbox{(1)}\]
and the complementary slackness conditions
\[( A x - c_l )^{T} y_l = 0,\;\; ( A x - c_u )^{T} y_u = 0,\;\; (x -x_l )^{T} z_l = 0 \;\;\mbox{and}\;\;(x -x_u )^{T} z_u = 0,\]
where the vectors \(y\) and \(z\) are known as the Lagrange multipliers for the general linear constraints, and the dual variables for the bounds, respectively, and where the vector inequalities hold component-wise.


Denote the active constraints by \(A_A x = c_A\) and the active bounds by \(I_A x = x_A\). Then any optimal solution satisfies the linear system

\[\begin{split}\left(\begin{array}{ccc} H & - A_A^T & - I^T_A \\ A_A & 0 & 0 \\ I_A & 0 & 0 \end{array}\right) \left(\begin{array}{c} x \\ y_A \\ z_A \end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{c} - g \\ c_A \\ x_A \end{array}\right), \end{split}\]
where \(y_A\) and \(z_A\) are the corresponding active Lagrange multipliers and dual variables respectively. Consequently the difference between any two solutions \((\Delta x, \Delta y, \Delta z)\) must satisfy
\[\begin{split}\left(\begin{array}{ccc} H & - A_A^T & - I^T_A \\ A_A & 0 & 0 \\ I_A & 0 & 0 \end{array}\right) \left(\begin{array}{c} \Delta x \\ \Delta y_A \\ \Delta z_A \end{array}\right) = 0.\;\;\mbox{(2)}\end{split}\]
Thus there can only be multiple solution if the coefficient matrix \(K\) of (2) is singular. The algorithm used in \fullpackagename\ exploits this. The matrix \(K\) is checked for singularity using the package ULS. If \(K\) is non singular, the solution is unique and the solution input by the user provides a linearly independent active set. Otherwise \(K\) is singular, and partitions \(A_A^T = ( A_{AB}^T \;\; A_{AN}^T)\) and \(I_A^T = ( I_{AB}^T \;\; I_{AN}^T)\) are found so that
\[\begin{split}\left(\begin{array}{ccc} H & - A_{AB}^T & - I^T_{AB} \\ A_{AB} & 0 & 0 \\ I_{AB} & 0 & 0 \end{array}\right)\end{split}\]
is non-singular and the non-basic constraints \(A_{AN}^T\) and \(I_{AN}^T\) are linearly dependent on the basic ones \(( A_{AB}^T \;\; I_{AB}^T)\). In this case (2) is equivalent to
\[\begin{split}\left(\begin{array}{ccc} H & - A_{AB}^T & - I^T_{AB} \\ A_{AB} & 0 & 0 \\ I_{AB} & 0 & 0 \end{array}\right) \left(\begin{array}{c} \Delta x \\ \Delta y_{AB} \\ \Delta z_{AB} \end{array}\right) = \left(\begin{array}{c} A_{AN}^T \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{array}\right) \Delta y_{AN} + \left(\begin{array}{c} I^T_{AN} \\ 0 \\ 0 \end{array}\right) \Delta z_{AN} .\;\;\mbox{(3)}\end{split}\]
Thus, starting from the user’s \((x, y, z)\) and with a factorization of the coefficient matrix of (3) found by the package SLS, the alternative solution \((x + \alpha x, y + \alpha y, z + \alpha z)\), featuring \((\Delta x, \Delta y_{AB}, \Delta z_{AB})\) from (3) in which successively one of the components of \(\Delta y_{AN}\) and \(\Delta z_{AN}\) in turn is non zero, is taken. The scalar \(\alpha\) at each stage is chosen to be the largest possible that guarantees (1); this may happen when a non-basic multiplier/dual variable reaches zero, in which case the corresponding constraint is disregarded, or when this happens for a basic multiplier/dual variable, in which case this constraint is exchanged with the non-basic one under consideration and disregarded. The latter corresponds to changing the basic-non-basic partition in (3), and subsequent solutions may be found by updating the factorization of the coefficient matrix in (3) following the basic-non-basic swap using the package SCU.

matrix storage#

The unsymmetric \(m\) by \(n\) matrix \(A\) must be presented and stored in sparse row-wise storage format. For this, only the nonzero entries are stored, and they are ordered so that those in row i appear directly before those in row i+1. For the i-th row of \(A\) the i-th component of the integer array A_ptr holds the position of the first entry in this row, while A_ptr(m) holds the total number of entries. The column indices j, \(0 \leq j \leq n-1\), and values \(A_{ij}\) of the nonzero entries in the i-th row are stored in components l = A_ptr(i), \(\ldots\), A_ptr(i+1)-1, \(0 \leq i \leq m-1\), of the integer array A_col, and real array A_val, respectively.

The symmetric \(n\) by \(n\) matrix \(H\) must also be presented and stored in sparse row-wise storage format. But, crucially, now symmetry is exploited by only storing values from the lower triangular part (i.e, those entries that lie on or below the leading diagonal). As before, only the nonzero entries of the matrices are stored. Only the nonzero entries from the lower triangle are stored, and these are ordered so that those in row i appear directly before those in row i+1. For the i-th row of \(H\) the i-th component of the integer array H_ptr holds the position of the first entry in this row, while H_ptr(n) holds the total number of entries. The column indices j, \(0 \leq j \leq i\), and values \(H_{ij}\) of the entries in the i-th row are stored in components l = H_ptr(i), …, H_ptr(i+1)-1 of the integer array H_col, and real array H_val, respectively.



Set default option values and initialize private data


dictionary containing default control options:

error and warning diagnostics occur on stream error.


general output occurs on stream out.


the level of output required is specified by print_level. Possible values are

  • <=0

    gives no output.

  • 1

    a summary of the progress made.

  • >=2

    an ever increasing amount of debugging information.


the maximum permitted size of the Schur complement before a refactorization is performed.


any bound larger than infinity in modulus will be regarded as infinite.


feasibility tolerance for KKT violation.


if check_io is True, the input (x,y,z) will be fully tested for consistency.


if refine solution is True, attempt to satisfy the KKT conditions as accurately as possible.


if space_critical is True, every effort will be made to use as little space as possible. This may result in longer computation time.


if deallocate_error_fatal is True, any array/pointer deallocation error will terminate execution. Otherwise, computation will continue.


indefinite linear equation solver.


unsymmetric linear equation solver.


all output lines will be prefixed by the string contained in quotes within prefix, e.g. ‘word’ (note the qutoes) will result in the prefix word.


default control options for SLS (see sls.initialize).


default control options for ULS (see uls.initialize).


default control options for SBLS (see sbls.initialize).


default control options for IR (see ir.initialize).

cro.crossover_solution(n, m, m_equal, g, H_ne, H_val, H_col, H_ptr, A_ne, A_val, A_col, A_ptr, c_l, c_u, x_l, x_u, x, c, y, z, x_stat, c_stat, options=None)#

Crossover a primal-dual interior-point solution to a basic one.



holds the number of variables.


holds the number of constraints.


holds the number of equality constraints. These must occur first in \(A\).


holds the values of the linear term \(g\) in the objective function.


holds the number of entries in the lower triangular part of \(H\).


holds the values of the nonzeros of the lower triangular part of \(H\) in the sparse row-wise storage scheme.


holds the column indices of the nonzeros of the lower triangular part of \(H\) in the sparse row-wise storage scheme.


holds the starting position of each row of the lower triangular part of \(H\), as well as the total number of entries.


holds the number of entries in \(A\).


holds the values of the nonzeros of \(A\) in the sparse row-wise storage scheme.


holds the column indices of the nonzeros of \(A\) in the sparse row-wise storage scheme.


holds the starting position of each row of \(A\), as well as the total number of entries.


holds the values of the lower bounds \(c_l\) on the constraints The lower bound on any component of \(A x\) that is unbounded from below should be set no larger than minus options.infinity.


holds the values of the upper bounds \(c_l\) on the constraints The upper bound on any component of \(A x\) that is unbounded from above should be set no smaller than options.infinity.


holds the values of the lower bounds \(x_l\) on the variables. The lower bound on any component of \(x\) that is unbounded from below should be set no larger than minus options.infinity.


holds the values of the upper bounds \(x_l\) on the variables. The upper bound on any component of \(x\) that is unbounded from above should be set no smaller than options.infinity.


holds the values of the approximate minimizer \(x\).


holds the values of the residuals \(c(x) = Ax\).


holds the values of the Lagrange multipliers associated with the general linear constraints.


holds the values of the dual variables associated with the simple bound constraints.


holds the input status for each variable. The i-th component will be negative if the \(i\)-th variable lies on its lower bound, positive if it lies on its upper bound, and zero if it lies between bounds.


holds the input status for each constraint. The i-th component will be negative if the value of the \(i\)-th constraint \((Ax)_i\)) lies on its lower bound, positive if it lies on its upper bound, and zero if it lies between bounds.

optionsdict, optional

dictionary of control options (see cro.initialize).



holds the values of the approximate minimizer \(x\) after a successful call.


holds the values of the Lagrange multipliers associated with the general linear constraints.


holds the values of the dual variables associated with the simple bound constraints.


holds the return status for each constraint. The i-th component will be -1 if the value of the \(i\)-th constraint \((Ax)_i\)) lies on its lower bound and the constraint is basic and active, -2 if it is non-basic and active, 1 if it lies on its upper bound and is active, 2 if it non-basic and active, and 0 if it lies between bounds.


holds the return status for each variable. The i-th component will be -1 if the \(i\)-th variable lies on its lower bound and the variable is basic and active, -2 if it is non-basic and active, 1 if it lies on its upper bound and is active, 2 if it non-basic and active, and 0 if it lies between bounds.

dictionary containing output information:

return status. Possible values are:

  • 0

    The run was successful.

  • -1

    An allocation error occurred. A message indicating the offending array is written on unit options[‘error’], and the returned allocation status and a string containing the name of the offending array are held in inform[‘alloc_status’] and inform[‘bad_alloc’] respectively.

  • -2

    A deallocation error occurred. A message indicating the offending array is written on unit options[‘error’] and the returned allocation status and a string containing the name of the offending array are held in inform[‘alloc_status’] and inform[‘bad_alloc’] respectively.

  • -3

    The restriction n > 0 or m > 0 or 0 <= m_equal <= m has been violated.

  • -4

    The bound constraints are inconsistent.

  • -5

    The constraints appear to have no feasible point.

  • -9

    The analysis phase of the factorization failed; the return status from the factorization package is given by inform[‘factor_status’].

  • -10

    The factorization failed; the return status from the factorization package is given by inform[‘factor_status’].

  • -11

    The solution of a set of linear equations using factors from the factorization package failed; the return status from the factorization package is given by inform[‘factor_status’].

  • -12

    The analysis phase of an unsymmetric factorization failed; the return status from the factorization package is given by inform[‘factor_status’].

  • -13

    An unsymmetric factorization failed; the return status from the factorization package is given by inform[‘factor_status’].

  • -14

    The solution of a set of linear equations using factors from an unsymmetric factorization package failed; the return status from the factorization package is given by inform[‘factor_status’].

  • -16

    The resuduals are large, the factorization may be unsatisfactory.


the status of the last attempted allocation/deallocation.


the name of the array for which an allocation/deallocation error occurred.


the number of dependent active constraints.

dictionary containing timing information:

the total CPU time spent in the package.


the CPU time spent reordering the matrix prior to factorization.


the CPU time spent factorizing the required matrices.


the CPU time spent computing corrections.


the total clock time spent in the package.


the clock time spent analysing the required matrices prior to factorizat.


the clock time spent factorizing the required matrices.


the clock time spent computing corrections.


inform parameters for SLS (see sls.information).


inform parameters for ULS (see uls.information).


inform parameters for SBLS (see sbls.information).


status value for SCU (see scu.status).


inform parameters for SCU (see scu.information).


return information from IR (see ir.information).


Deallocate all internal private storage.

example code#

from galahad import cro
import numpy as np
print("\n** python test: cro")

# set parameters
n = 11
m = 3
m_equal = 1
infinity = float("inf")

#  describe objective function

g = np.array([0.5,-0.5,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0, -1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-1.0,-0.5])
H_ne = 21
H_val = np.array([1.0,0.5,1.0,0.5,1.0,0.5,1.0,0.5,1.0,0.5,1.0,0.5,1.0,
H_col = np.array([0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10])
H_ptr = np.array([0,1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21])

#  describe constraints

A_ne = 30
A_val = np.array([1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,
A_col = np.array([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,
A_ptr = np.array([0,11,20,30])
c_l = np.array([10.0,9.0,-infinity])
c_u = np.array([10.0,infinity,10.0])
x_l = np.array([0.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0])
x_u  = np.array([infinity,infinity,infinity,infinity,infinity,infinity,

# allocate internal data and set default options
options = cro.initialize()

# set some non-default options
options['print_level'] = 0
options['symmetric_linear_solver'] = 'sytr '
options['unsymmetric_linear_solver'] = 'getr '
options['sbls_options']['symmetric_linear_solver'] = 'sytr '
options['sbls_options']['definite_linear_solver'] = 'sytr '
options['sbls_options']['unsymmetric_linear_solver'] = 'getr '
#print("options:", options)

# provide optimal variables, Lagrange multipliers and dual variables
x = np.array([0.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0, 1.0,1.0,1.0])
c = np.array([10.0,9.0,10.0])
y = np.array([ -1.0,1.5,-2.0])
z = np.array([2.0,4.0,2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5,2.5])

# provide interior-point constraint and variable status
c_stat = np.array([-1,-1,1])
x_stat = np.array([-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1])

# crossover from an interior-point to a basic solution
x, c, y, z, x_stat, c_stat, inform \
  = cro.crossover_solution(n, m, m_equal, g, H_ne, H_val, H_col, H_ptr,
                           A_ne, A_val, A_col, A_ptr, c_l, c_u, x_l, x_u,
                           x, c, y, z, x_stat, c_stat, options)
print(" x:",x)
print(" c:",c)
print(" y:",y)
print(" z:",z)
print(" x_stat:",x_stat)
print(" c_stat:",c_stat)
print(" number of dependent constraints:",inform['dependent'])
print('** cro exit status:', inform['status'])

# deallocate internal data


This example code is available in $GALAHAD/src/cro/Python/ .