gls_ainfo structure#
struct gls_ainfo_type{T,INT} flag::INT more::INT len_analyse::INT len_factorize::INT ncmpa::INT rank::INT drop::INT struc_rank::INT oor::INT dup::INT stat::INT lblock::INT sblock::INT tblock::INT ops::T
detailed documentation#
ainfo derived type as a Julia structure
INT flag
Flags success or failure case.
INT more
More information on failure.
INT len_analyse
Size for analysis.
INT len_factorize
Size for factorize.
INT ncmpa
Number of compresses.
INT rank
Estimated rank.
INT drop
Number of entries dropped.
INT struc_rank
Structural rank of matrix.
INT oor
Number of indices out-of-range.
INT dup
Number of duplicates.
INT stat
STAT value after allocate failure.
INT lblock
Size largest non-triangular block.
INT sblock
Sum of orders of non-triangular blocks.
INT tblock
Total entries in all non-tringular blocks.
T ops
Number of operations in elimination.