matrix storage#
unsymmetric storage#
The unsymmetric \(m\) by \(n\) Jacobian matrix \(J = J(x)\) and the residual-Hessians-vector product matrix \(P(x,v)\) may be presented and stored in a variety of convenient input formats. Let \(A\) be \(J\) or \(P\) as appropriate.
Dense storage format: The matrix \(A\) is stored as a compact dense matrix by rows, that is, the values of the entries of each row in turn are stored in order within an appropriate real one-dimensional array. In this case, component \(n \ast i + j\) of the storage array A_val will hold the value \(A_{ij}\) for \(1 \leq i \leq m\), \(1 \leq j \leq n\). The string A_type = ‘dense’ should be specified.
Dense by columns storage format: The matrix \(A\) is stored as a compact dense matrix by columns, that is, the values of the entries of each column in turn are stored in order within an appropriate real one-dimensional array. In this case, component \(m \ast j + i\) of the storage array A_val will hold the value \(A_{ij}\) for \(1 \leq i \leq m\), \(1 \leq j \leq n\). The string A_type = ‘dense_by_columns’ should be specified.
Sparse co-ordinate storage format: Only the nonzero entries of the matrices are stored. For the \(l\)-th entry, \(1 \leq l \leq ne\), of \(A\), its row index i, column index j and value \(A_{ij}\), \(1 \leq i \leq m\), \(1 \leq j \leq n\), are stored as the \(l\)-th components of the integer arrays A_row and A_col and real array A_val, respectively, while the number of nonzeros is recorded as A_ne = \(ne\). The string A_type = ‘coordinate’should be specified.
Sparse row-wise storage format: Again only the nonzero entries are stored, but this time they are ordered so that those in row i appear directly before those in row i+1. For the i-th row of \(A\) the i-th component of the integer array A_ptr holds the position of the first entry in this row, while A_ptr(m+1) holds the total number of entries plus one. The column indices j, \(1 \leq j \leq n\), and values \(A_{ij}\) of the nonzero entries in the i-th row are stored in components l = A_ptr(i), \(\ldots\), A_ptr(i+1)-1, \(1 \leq i \leq m\), of the integer array A_col, and real array A_val, respectively. For sparse matrices, this scheme almost always requires less storage than its predecessor. The string A_type = ‘sparse_by_rows’ should be specified.
Sparse column-wise storage format: Once again only the nonzero entries are stored, but this time they are ordered so that those in column j appear directly before those in column j+1. For the j-th column of \(A\) the j-th component of the integer array A_ptr holds the position of the first entry in this column, while A_ptr(n+1) holds the total number of entries plus one. The row indices i, \(1 \leq i \leq m\), and values \(A_{ij}\) of the nonzero entries in the j-th columnsare stored in components l = A_ptr(j), \(\ldots\), A_ptr(j+1)-1, \(1 \leq j \leq n\), of the integer array A_row, and real array A_val, respectively. As before, for sparse matrices, this scheme almost always requires less storage than the co-ordinate format. The string A_type = ‘sparse_by_columns’ should be specified.
symmetric storage#
The symmetric \(n\) by \(n\) matrix \(H = H(x,y)\) may be presented and stored in a variety of formats. But crucially symmetry is exploited by only storing values from the lower triangular part (i.e, those entries that lie on or below the leading diagonal).
Dense storage format: The matrix \(H\) is stored as a compact dense matrix by rows, that is, the values of the entries of each row in turn are stored in order within an appropriate real one-dimensional array. Since \(H\) is symmetric, only the lower triangular part (that is the part \(H_{ij}\) for \(1 \leq j \leq i \leq n\)) need be held. In this case the lower triangle should be stored by rows, that is component \((i-1) * i / 2 + j\) of the storage array H_val will hold the value \(H_{ij}\) (and, by symmetry, \(H_{ji}\)) for \(1 \leq j \leq i \leq n\). The string H_type = ‘dense’ should be specified.
Sparse co-ordinate storage format: Only the nonzero entries of the matrices are stored. For the \(l\)-th entry, \(1 \leq l \leq ne\), of \(H\), its row index i, column index j and value \(H_{ij}\), \(1 \leq j \leq i \leq n\), are stored as the \(l\)-th components of the integer arrays H_row and H_col and real array H_val, respectively, while the number of nonzeros is recorded as H_ne = \(ne\). Note that only the entries in the lower triangle should be stored. The string H_type = ‘coordinate’ should be specified.
Sparse row-wise storage format: Again only the nonzero entries are stored, but this time they are ordered so that those in row i appear directly before those in row i+1. For the i-th row of \(H\) the i-th component of the integer array H_ptr holds the position of the first entry in this row, while H_ptr(n+1) holds the total number of entries plus one. The column indices j, \(1 \leq j \leq i\), and values \(H_{ij}\) of the entries in the i-th row are stored in components l = H_ptr(i), …, H_ptr(i+1)-1 of the integer array H_col, and real array H_val, respectively. Note that as before only the entries in the lower triangle should be stored. For sparse matrices, this scheme almost always requires less storage than its predecessor. The string H_type = ‘sparse_by_rows’ should be specified.
Diagonal storage format: If \(H\) is diagonal (i.e., \(H_{ij} = 0\) for all \(1 \leq i \neq j \leq n\)) only the diagonals entries \(H_{ii}\), \(1 \leq i \leq n\) need be stored, and the first n components of the array H_val may be used for the purpose. The string H_type = ‘diagonal’ should be specified.
Multiples of the identity storage format: If \(H\) is a multiple of the identity matrix, (i.e., \(H = \alpha I\) where \(I\) is the n by n identity matrix and \(\alpha\) is a scalar), it suffices to store \(\alpha\) as the first component of H_val. The string H_type = ‘scaled_identity’ should be specified.
The identity matrix format: If \(H\) is the identity matrix, no values need be stored. The string H_type = ‘identity’ should be specified.
The zero matrix format: The same is true if \(H\) is the zero matrix, but now the string H_type = ‘zero’ or ‘none’ should be specified.