
The gltr package uses a Krylov-subspace iteration to find an approximation of the global minimizer of quadratic objective function within an ellipsoidal region; this is commonly known as the trust-region subproblem. The aim is to minimize the quadratic objective function

\[q(x) = f + g^T x + \frac{1}{2} x^T H x,\]
where the vector \(x\) is required to satisfy the ellipsoidal trust-region constraint \(\|x\|_{M} \leq \Delta\), where the \(M\)-norm of \(x\) is defined to be \(\|x\|_{M} = \sqrt{x^T M x}\), and where the radius \(\Delta > 0\). The method may be suitable for large problems as no factorization of \(H\) is required. Reverse communication is used to obtain matrix-vector products of the form \(H z\) and \(M^{-1} z.\)

See Section 4 of $GALAHAD/doc/gltr.pdf for additional details.


The required solution \(x\) necessarily satisfies the optimality condition \(H x + \lambda M x + g = 0\), where \(\lambda \geq 0\) is a Lagrange multiplier corresponding to the constraint \(\|x\|_M \leq \Delta\). In addition, the matrix \(H + \lambda M\) will be positive definite.

The method is iterative. Starting with the vector \(M^{-1} g\), a matrix of Lanczos vectors is built one column at a time so that the \(k\)-th column is generated during iteration \(k\). These columns span a so-called Krylov space. The resulting \(n\) by \(k\) matrix \(Q_k \) has the property that \(Q_{k}^T H Q_k^{} = T_{k}^{}\), where \(T_k\) is tridiagonal. An approximation to the required solution may then be expressed formally as

\[x_{k+1} = Q_k y_k\]
where \(y_k \) solves the ``tridiagonal’’ subproblem of minimizing
\[\frac{1}{2} y^T T_k y + \|g\|_{M^{-1} } e_{1}^T y \;\;\; \mbox{subject to the constraint}\;\; \|y\|_2 \leq \Delta,\;\;\mbox{(1)}\]
and where \(e_1\) is the first unit vector.

If the solution to (1) lies interior to the constraint, the required solution \(x_{k+1}\) may simply be found as the \(k\)-th (preconditioned) conjugate-gradient iterate. This solution can be obtained without the need to access the whole matrix \(Q_k\). These conjugate-gradient iterates increase in \(M\)-norm, and thus once one of them exceeds \(\Delta\) in \(M\)-norm, the solution must occur on the constraint boundary. Thereafter, the solution to (1) is less easy to obtain, but an efficient inner iteration to solve (1) is nonetheless achievable because \(T_k \) is tridiagonal. It is possible to observe the optimality measure \(\|H x + \lambda M x + g\|_{M^{-1}}\) without computing \(x_{k+1}\), and thus without needing \(Q_k \). Once this measure is sufficiently small, a second pass is required to obtain the estimate \(x_{k+1} \) from \(y_k \). As this second pass is an additional expense, a record is kept of the optimal objective function values for each value of \(k\), and the second pass is only performed so far as to ensure a given fraction of the final optimal objective value. Large savings may be made in the second pass by choosing the required fraction to be significantly smaller than one.

A cheaper alternative is to use the Steihuag-Toint strategy, which is simply to stop at the first boundary point encountered along the piecewise linear path generated by the conjugate-gradient iterates. Note that if \(H\) is significantly indefinite, this strategy often produces a far from optimal point, but is effective when \(H\) is positive definite or almost so.


The method is described in detail in

N. I. M. Gould, S. Lucidi, M. Roma and Ph. L. Toint, ``Solving the trust-region subproblem using the Lanczos method’’. SIAM Journal on Optimization 9(2) (1999), 504-525.

introduction to function calls#

To solve a given problem, functions from the gltr package must be called in the following order:

  • gltr_initialize - provide default control parameters and set up initial data structures

  • gltr_read_specfile (optional) - override control values by reading replacement values from a file

  • gltr_import_control - import control parameters prior to solution

  • gltr_solve_problem - solve the problem by reverse communication, a sequence of calls are made under control of a status parameter, each exit either asks the user to provide additional informaton and to re-enter, or reports that either the solution has been found or that an error has occurred

  • gltr_information (optional) - recover information about the solution and solution process

  • gltr_terminate - deallocate data structures

See the examples section for illustrations of use.

parametric real type T and integer type INT#

Below, the symbol T refers to a parametric real type that may be Float32 (single precision), Float64 (double precision) or, if supported, Float128 (quadruple precision). The symbol INT refers to a parametric integer type that may be Int32 (32-bit integer) or Int64 (64-bit integer).

callable functions#

    function gltr_initialize(T, INT, data, control, status)

Set default control values and initialize private data



holds private internal data


is a structure containing control information (see gltr_control_type)


is a scalar variable of type INT that gives the exit status from the package. Possible values are (currently):

  • 0

    The initialization was successful.

    function gltr_read_specfile(T, INT, control, specfile)

Read the content of a specification file, and assign values associated with given keywords to the corresponding control parameters. An in-depth discussion of specification files is available, and a detailed list of keywords with associated default values is provided in $GALAHAD/src/gltr/GLTR.template. See also Table 2.1 in the Fortran documentation provided in $GALAHAD/doc/gltr.pdf for a list of how these keywords relate to the components of the control structure.



is a structure containing control information (see gltr_control_type)


is a one-dimensional array of type Vararg{Cchar} that must give the name of the specification file

    function gltr_import_control(T, INT, control, data, status)

Import control parameters prior to solution.



is a structure whose members provide control parameters for the remaining procedures (see gltr_control_type)


holds private internal data


is a scalar variable of type INT that gives the exit status from the package. Possible values are (currently):

  • 1

    The import was successful, and the package is ready for the solve phase

    function gltr_solve_problem(T, INT, data, status, n, radius, x, r, vector)

Solve the trust-region problem using reverse communication.



holds private internal data


is a scalar variable of type INT that gives the entry and exit status from the package.

This must be set to

  • 1

    on initial entry. Set the argument r (below) to \(c\) for this entry.

  • 4

    the iteration is to be restarted with a smaller radius but with all other data unchanged. Set r to \(c\) for this entry.

Possible exit values are:

  • 0

    the solution has been found

  • 2

    the inverse of \(M\) must be applied to the argument vector (below) with the result returned in vector and the function re-entered with all other data unchanged. This will only happen if control.unitm is false

  • 3

    the product of \(H\) with vector must be formed, with the result returned in vector and the function re-entered with all other data unchanged

  • 5

    The iteration must be restarted. Reset r to \(c\) and re-enter with all other data unchanged. This exit will only occur if control.steihaug_toint is false and the solution lies on the trust-region boundary

  • -1

    an array allocation has failed

  • -2

    an array deallocation has failed

  • -3

    n and/or radius is not positive

  • -15

    the matrix \(M\) appears to be indefinite

  • -18

    the iteration limit has been exceeded

  • -30

    the trust-region has been encountered in Steihaug-Toint mode

  • -31

    the function value is smaller than control.f_min


is a scalar variable of type INT that holds the number of variables


is a scalar of type T that holds the trust-region radius, \(\Delta\), used. radius must be strictly positive


is a one-dimensional array of size n and type T that holds the solution \(x\). The j-th component of x, j = 1, … , n, contains \(x_j\).


is a one-dimensional array of size n and type T that that must be set to \(c\) on entry (status = 1) and re-entry (status = 4, 5). On exit, r contains the resiual \(H x + c\).


is a one-dimensional array of size n and type T that should be used and reset appropriately when status = 2 and 3 as directed.

    function gltr_information(T, INT, data, inform, status)

Provides output information



holds private internal data


is a structure containing output information (see gltr_inform_type)


is a scalar variable of type INT that gives the exit status from the package. Possible values are (currently):

  • 0

    The values were recorded successfully

    function gltr_terminate(T, INT, data, control, inform)

Deallocate all internal private storage



holds private internal data


is a structure containing control information (see gltr_control_type)


is a structure containing output information (see gltr_inform_type)

available structures#

gltr_control_type structure#

    struct gltr_control_type{T,INT}

detailed documentation#

control derived type as a Julia structure


Bool f_indexing

use C or Fortran sparse matrix indexing

INT error

error and warning diagnostics occur on stream error

INT out

general output occurs on stream out

INT print_level

the level of output required is specified by print_level

INT itmax

the maximum number of iterations allowed (-ve = no bound)

INT Lanczos_itmax

the maximum number of iterations allowed once the boundary has been encountered (-ve = no bound)

INT extra_vectors

the number of extra work vectors of length n used

INT ritz_printout_device

the unit number for writing debug Ritz values

T stop_relative

the iteration stops successfully when the gradient in the M(inverse) nor is smaller than max( stop_relative * initial M(inverse) gradient norm, stop_absolute )

T stop_absolute

see stop_relative

T fraction_opt

an estimate of the solution that gives at least .fraction_opt times the optimal objective value will be found

T f_min

the iteration stops if the objective-function value is lower than f_min

T rminvr_zero

the smallest value that the square of the M norm of the gradient of the the objective may be before it is considered to be zero

T f_0

the constant term, \(f_0\), in the objective function

Bool unitm

is \(M\) the identity matrix ?

Bool steihaug_toint

should the iteration stop when the Trust-region is first encountered ?

Bool boundary

is the solution thought to lie on the constraint boundary ?

Bool equality_problem

is the solution required to lie on the constraint boundary ?

Bool space_critical

if .space_critical true, every effort will be made to use as little space as possible. This may result in longer computation time

Bool deallocate_error_fatal

if .deallocate_error_fatal is true, any array/pointer deallocation error will terminate execution. Otherwise, computation will continue

Bool print_ritz_values

should the Ritz values be written to the debug stream?

char ritz_file_name[31]

name of debug file containing the Ritz values

NTuple{31,Cchar} prefix

all output lines will be prefixed by .prefix(2:LEN(TRIM(.prefix))-1) where .prefix contains the required string enclosed in quotes, e.g. “string” or ‘string’

gltr_inform_type structure#

    struct gltr_inform_type{T,INT}

detailed documentation#

inform derived type as a Julia structure


INT status

return status. See gltr_solve_problem for details

INT alloc_status

the status of the last attempted allocation/deallocation

NTuple{81,Cchar} bad_alloc

the name of the array for which an allocation/deallocation error occurred

INT iter

the total number of iterations required

INT iter_pass2

the total number of pass-2 iterations required if the solution lies on the trust-region boundary

T obj

the value of the quadratic function

T multiplier

the Lagrange multiplier corresponding to the trust-region constraint

T mnormx

the \(M\) -norm of \(x\)

T piv

the latest pivot in the Cholesky factorization of the Lanczos tridiagona

T curv

the most negative cuurvature encountered

T rayleigh

the current Rayleigh quotient

T leftmost

an estimate of the leftmost generalized eigenvalue of the pencil \((H,M)\)

Bool negative_curvature

was negative curvature encountered ?

Bool hard_case

did the hard case occur ?

example calls#

This is an example of how to use the package to solve a trust-region subproblem; the code is available in $GALAHAD/src/gltr/Julia/test_gltr.jl .

# test_gltr.jl
# Simple code to test the Julia interface to GLTR

using Test
using Printf
using Accessors
using Quadmath

function test_gltr(::Type{T}, ::Type{INT}) where {T,INT}
  # Derived types
  data = Ref{Ptr{Cvoid}}()
  control = Ref{gltr_control_type{T,INT}}()
  inform = Ref{gltr_inform_type{T,INT}}()

  # Set problem data
  n = INT(100)  # dimension

  status = Ref{INT}()
  radius = Ref{T}()
  x = zeros(T, n)
  r = zeros(T, n)
  vector = zeros(T, n)
  h_vector = zeros(T, n)

  # Initialize gltr
  gltr_initialize(T, INT, data, control, status)

  # use a unit M ?
  for unit_m in 0:1
    if unit_m == 0
      @reset control[].unitm = false
      @reset control[].unitm = true

    gltr_import_control(T, INT, control, data, status)

    # resolve with a smaller radius ?
    for new_radius in 0:1
      if new_radius == 0
        radius[] = 1.0
        status[] = 1
        radius[] = 0.1
        status[] = 4

      for i in 1:n
        r[i] = 1.0

      # iteration loop to find the minimizer
      terminated = false
      while !terminated # reverse-communication loop
        gltr_solve_problem(T, INT, data, status, n, radius[], x, r, vector)
        if status[] == 0 # successful termination
          terminated = true
        elseif status[] < 0 # error exit
          terminated = true
        elseif status[] == 2 # form the preconditioned vector
          for i in 1:n
            vector[i] = vector[i] / 2.0
        elseif status[] == 3 # form the Hessian-vector product
          h_vector[1] = 2.0 * vector[1] + vector[2]
          for i in 2:(n - 1)
            h_vector[i] = vector[i - 1] + 2.0 * vector[i] + vector[i + 1]
          h_vector[n] = vector[n - 1] + 2.0 * vector[n]
          for i in 1:n
            vector[i] = h_vector[i]
        elseif status[] == 5 # restart
          for i in 1:n
            r[i] = 1.0
          @printf(" the value %1i of status should not occur\n", status)

      gltr_information(T, INT, data, inform, status)
      # @printf("MR = %1i%1i gltr_solve_problem exit status = %i, f = %.2f\n", unit_m,
      #         new_radius, inform[].status, inform[].obj)

  # Delete internal workspace
  gltr_terminate(T, INT, data, control, inform)

  return 0

for (T, INT, libgalahad) in ((Float32 , Int32, GALAHAD.libgalahad_single      ),
                             (Float32 , Int64, GALAHAD.libgalahad_single_64   ),
                             (Float64 , Int32, GALAHAD.libgalahad_double      ),
                             (Float64 , Int64, GALAHAD.libgalahad_double_64   ),
                             (Float128, Int32, GALAHAD.libgalahad_quadruple   ),
                             (Float128, Int64, GALAHAD.libgalahad_quadruple_64))
  if isfile(libgalahad)
    @testset "GLTR -- $T -- $INT" begin
      @test test_gltr(T, INT) == 0