struct gls_control_type#

#include <galahad_gls.h>

struct gls_control_type {
    // fields

    bool f_indexing;
    ipc_ lp;
    ipc_ wp;
    ipc_ mp;
    ipc_ ldiag;
    ipc_ btf;
    ipc_ maxit;
    ipc_ factor_blocking;
    ipc_ solve_blas;
    ipc_ la;
    ipc_ la_int;
    ipc_ maxla;
    ipc_ pivoting;
    ipc_ fill_in;
    rpc_ multiplier;
    rpc_ reduce;
    rpc_ u;
    rpc_ switch_full;
    rpc_ drop;
    rpc_ tolerance;
    rpc_ cgce;
    bool diagonal_pivoting;
    bool struct_abort;

detailed documentation#

control derived type as a C struct


bool f_indexing

use C or Fortran sparse matrix indexing

ipc_ lp

Unit for error messages.

ipc_ wp

Unit for warning messages.

ipc_ mp

Unit for monitor output.

ipc_ ldiag

Controls level of diagnostic output.

ipc_ btf

Minimum block size for block-triangular form (BTF). Set to \(n\) to avoid.

ipc_ maxit

Maximum number of iterations.

ipc_ factor_blocking

Level 3 blocking in factorize.

ipc_ solve_blas

Switch for using Level 1 or 2 BLAS in solve.

ipc_ la

Initial size for real array for the factors.

ipc_ la_int

Initial size for integer array for the factors.

ipc_ maxla

Maximum size for real array for the factors.

ipc_ pivoting

Controls pivoting: Number of columns searched. Zero for Markowitz.

ipc_ fill_in

Initially fill_in * ne space allocated for factors.

rpc_ multiplier

Factor by which arrays sizes are to be increased if they are too small.

rpc_ reduce

if previously allocated internal workspace arrays are greater than reduce times the currently required sizes, they are reset to current requirment

rpc_ u

Pivot threshold.

rpc_ switch_full

Density for switch to full code.

rpc_ drop

Drop tolerance.

rpc_ tolerance

anything < this is considered zero

rpc_ cgce

Ratio for required reduction using IR.

bool diagonal_pivoting

Set to 0 for diagonal pivoting.

bool struct_abort

Control to abort if structurally singular.