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1 Introduction
The mathematical modelling of many real-world applications involves
the minimization or maximization of a function of unknown parameters
or variables. Frequently these parameters have known bounds;
sometimes there are more general relationships between the parameters.
When the number of variables is modest, say up to ten, the input of
such a problem to an optimization procedure is usually fairly
straightforward. Unfortunately many application areas now require the
solution of optimization problems with thousands of variables; in this
case merely the input of the problem data is extremely time-consuming
and prone to error. Moreover, the mathematical programming community
is only now designing algorithms for solving problems of this scale.
The format described in this report
was motivated directly by the difficulties the authors were
experiencing entering test examples to the LANCELOT large-scale
nonlinear optimization package. It soon became apparent that if
others were to be encouraged to carry out similar tests and even
enticed to use our software, the process of specifying problems had to
be considerably simplified. Thus we were inevitably drawn to provide a
preliminary version of what is described here:
a standard input format (SIF) for nonlinear programming
problems, together with an appropriate translator from the input file
to the form required by the authors' minimization software. While
understandably reflecting our views and experience, the present
proposal is intended to be broadly applicable.
During the subsequent (and successive) stages of development of these
preliminary ideas, various important considerations were discussed.
These strongly influenced the present proposal.
- There are many reasons for proposing a standard input format. The
most obvious one is the increased consistency in coding
nonlinear programming problems, and the resulting improvement in code
reliability. As every problem is treated in a similar and standardized
way, it is more difficult to overlook certain aspects of the problem
definition. The provision of a SIF file for a given problem also
allows some elementary (and very often helpful) automatic error and
consistency checking.
- A further advantage of having a standard input format is the long
awaited possibility of having a portable testbed of meaningful
problems. Moreover, such a testbed that can be expected to grow. The
authors soon experienced the daunting difficulties associated with
specifying large scale problems -- not only the difficulty of
writing down the specification correctly but also the actual coding
(and frequent re-coding) of a particular problem which often results
in non-trivial differences between the initial and final data. These
differences could be a major obstacle to valid comparisons between
competing optimization codes. By contrast, having a SIF file allows
simple and unambiguous data transfer via diskette, tape or electronic
mail. The success of the NETLIB and Harwell/Boeing problem collections
for linear programming and sparse linear algebra [9,6]
is a good recommendation for such
flexibility. The formality required by the SIF approach may
admittedly appear formidable for very simple problems, but is soon
repaid when dealing with more complex ones.
- Of course, the SIF format should cover a large part of the practical
optimization problems that users may want to specify. Explicit
provision should be made not only for unconstrained problems, but also
for constraints of different types and complexity: simple bounds on
the variables,
linear and/or nonlinear equations and inequalities
should be handled without trouble. Special structure
of the problem at
hand is also a mandatory part of an SIF file. For example, the
structure of least-squares
problems must be described in an
exploitable form. Sparsity
of relevant matrices and partial separability
of involved nonlinear functions must be included in the
standard problem description when they are known. Finally, the
special case of systems of nonlinear equations should also be covered.
- The existence and worldwide success of the MPS standard input format
for linear programming must be considered as a de facto basis
for any attempt to define an SIF for nonlinear problems. The number
of problems already available in this format is large, and many
nonlinear problems arise as a refinement of existing linear ones whose
linear part and sparsity
structure are expected to be described in the
format. It therefore seems reasonable to require that an SIF for
nonlinear programming problems should conform to the MPS format. We
were thus led to choose a standard that corresponds to MPS,
augmented with additional constructs and structures, thus allowing
nonlinearity, and the general features that we wished, to be described
- The requirement of compatibility with the MPS format has a number of
consequences, not all of which are pleasant. The first one is that the
new SIF must be based on fixed format
for the SIF file. Indeed, blanks
are significant characters in MPS,
when they appear in the right data fields,
and cannot be used as general separators for free format
input in any compatible system. The second one is the a
priori existence of a ``style'' for keywords and overall layout of
the problem description, a format which is not always ideally suited
to nonlinear problems. Our present proposal accepts these
- The SIF should not be dependent on a specific operating system and/or
manufacturer. In this respect, it must avoid relying on tools that may
be excellent but are too specific (yacc and lex, for example). This of
course does not prevent any implementation of an SIF interpreter using
whatever facilities are locally available.
- In principle, the SIF should not be dependent on a particular high
level programming language. However, as the intention is that SIF
files may be converted into executable programs, restrictions on the
symbolic names allowed by different programming languages may
influence the choice of names within the problem description itself.
For instance, in Fortran,
symbolic variables may only contain up to six characters from a
restricted set. We have chosen to base the present proposal, where
necessary, on Fortran
as this appears to be the most restrictive of the more popular high
level languages. This dependence has been isolated as much as
The authors are very well aware of the shortcomings of the SIF
approach when compared to more elaborate modelling languages
(see, for
example, GAMS [1],
AMPL [7],
and OMP [4].
These probably remain the best way to allow easy and error free input
of large problems. However, we contend that there is at present no
language in the public domain which satisfactorily handles the
nonlinear aspects of mathematical programming problems. While the
advent of a tool of this nature is very much hoped for, it
nevertheless seems necessary to provide something like the SIF now.
This (we hope, intermediate) step is indeed crucial for the
development and comparison of algorithms for solving large scale
nonlinear problems, without which a more elaborate tool would be
meaningless anyway. The SIF for nonlinear problems may also be
considered as a first attempt to specify the minimal structures
should be present in a true modelling language
for such problems. It
is also of interest to develop a relatively simple input format, given
that researchers developing new optimization methods may have to
implement their own code for translating the SIF file into a form
suitable for their algorithms. At this level, some compromise between
completeness and simplicity seems necessary. Finally, the existence
and availability of modelling languages
for linear programming
for a number of years has not yet made the MPS
format irrelevant.
Hence, the reader should be aware that what sometimes appear as
unnecessarily restrictive ``features'' of the proposed standard are
often direct consequences of the considerations outlined above.
In the next section, we explain how we propose to exploit the
structure in problems of the form
(2.1)-(2.4) . We do this
both in general and for a number of examples. Details of
the way such structure
may be expressed in a standard data input
format follow in Section 3. The input of nonlinear information for
element and group functions
is covered in Section 4 and Section 5
respectively. The formats proposed in Sections 3-5 are quite rigid.
A more flexible, free-form,
input is considered in Section 6. The relationship to existing work
is presented in Section 7 and conclusions drawn in Section 7.
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